Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Higher Frequencies

Dear Well Beings:

I am learning that there are ways to increase health by using energy. We know there is a life force energy (what do you call it?) and that it travels throughout the Universe. Did you know that you can transfer your chi to someone else, for healing? Did you know that you can connect with another person's chi, for healing?

Of course you did, at least part of you knows this is true.

So, the next step in understanding and enlightenment is that there are low frequencies and high frequencies. Why are we using low frequencies to heal when we can use higher ones?

Interested? Stay tuned.

Come and see us at THE CLEARING (call for an appointment or for our OPEN HOUSES)
(414) 526 5699, 9141 West Lisbon Avenue, Milwaukee, WI.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sounds of the Sun

Dear Well Beings:

I have been studying sounds. It is a very complicated business, because there are many types of sounds, and they all convey different emotions, and memories. I have just learned that the sun makes a sound. Listen.


See if you can type this into the YOU TUBE link on this page.

Stay Tuned.