Sunday, August 19, 2012

Great Serpent of Light

The prophecies of the Americas speak about a GREAT SERPENT OF LIGHT that has anchored itself now in the holy mountains of the Andes. 


The tail of the serpent has gone in through the Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Americas, into the center of the Earth, and its kundalini force will begin to inform all of the mountain ranges of the continent, through Peru, through Mexico, into North America, with the head of the serpent ending at Denali, in Alaska.

As this kundalini force awakens throughout the Americas, we will find an extraordinary new consciousness, in the continent.

This new consciousness is triggered and facilitated by the Andean rites, known in the West as the Munay Ki. 

Register for personal or small group initiations. 
Look for introductory gatherings

Distance and on-line guidance available.

Dr. Susan Palmieri, Milwaukee (facebook)
(414) 215 9141

Do you have questions?

Friday, August 17, 2012

Everyday Sacred

Everyday Sacred is a program that allows you to learn and use ancient techniques for personal healing. The lessons, the stories, the practices - are all based on the basic spiritual knowledge shared by all aboriginal cultures.

Your first exercise is to forgive yourself and family from living this part of your lives as "fallen from grace." You may be one of thousands of people who were taught that they were "kicked out of the Garden."  You have been raised to believe you are a "sinner."

Consider that Native Americans were taught that they were 
caretakers of the Garden. Buddhists believe they are transcendent light beings who can source all of heir lifetimes, continually working toward towards a perfect clarity of being.

Native Africans have been taught to live in harmony with the Earth, their lands, their customs, their languages, their arts and sciences - all sacred.

We know you have heard this before: we are asking to dig deeply into the reality of these teachings, and walk this walk. These teachings are based on advanced sciences: geometry, medicine, astrology, astronomy, genetics, environmental sciences, physics, and culture.

In order to understand these teachings, we will start from basic energy anatomy, and quickly move into the realm of consciousness, where you will take the wheel, so to speak, and drive your own destiny.

When I teach this material to a group, I allow time to listen to intellectual challenges from my readers/students. As with any deep transformative process work, it takes time to integrate the information. Thoughts and feelings emerge, as if we are in an analytical therapy session.

Questions surface that challenge long held beliefs about religion, culture, biology, and life sciences. As you contemplate a wider view of reality, you have to take command of what you believe, and why you believe it.

You have to be open to the history and mythology of many cultures, older than your own. Therefore, I recommend that you breathe, drink pure water, rest, talk a walk, and stretch into these new ideas.

If you would like personal guidance, or a group setting, please contact me: Dr. Susan Palmieri,, or visit

PHASE ONE : Intense Introspection

Take a long cosmic view of humanity and how we have evolved. Ask yourself: How is it possible that we learned how to write, manufacture plant medicines, build monuments, perform surgeries, have detailed astronomical information, create sophisticated artworks, mine and smelt metals, create musical instruments and musical patterns, craft tools and weapons, create written and oral language, all with both utilitarian and aesthetic function?

All of these skills arose far earlier than either archaeologists have generally acknowledged or the public has imagined. The result is that we cannot consider our history as a simple story of the rise from savage roots to a sophisticated present. Our ancestors, even tens of thousands of years ago, commanded surprising knowledge and expert skills.

Additionally, skills such as monument building show us we had basic skills, and then remarkable skills, and then basic skills again. We are not evolving in a chronological timeline, meaning, we get better and smarter as time rolls along.

Instead, we build walls by putting stones one atop the other, then, we build Machu Picchu, or Chichenitza, then, we go back to putting one brick on top of the other. How is that even possible?

Your thoughts on this are appreciated. What do you think and feel about this phenomena?

To be continued.... 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Introduction to the Luminous Energy Field (Advanced)

Probably the most potent of our teachings handed down through the various wisdom teachings concerns the life force and how to strengthen it and elevate it. This understanding, along with our holding the harmonic of love, may be our two greatest contributions to humankind.

Whatever your choice, we honor you at this moment, which is charged with opportunities for an evolutionary unfolding that has not been seen in this Universe since the beginning of time.

The Human as an Energy System

Our  perspective of you is unique because we perceive you through an energy state that is different than yours.  Imagine a two dimensional space like the words written on a piece of paper.   The period at the end of the sentence is not aware that he is there.  We can see it because we are in another plane of consciousness, the third dimension.  We exist on another point in space and are able to view, not only the sentence, but the existence of the entire written story, the book, and, the room it is located in.  We are a fixed point in space that allows the width and length of the paper is finally given depth.

What happens to the period, at the end if the sentence, when we take it and move it through time?  What if we carry that period, in that sentence, on a piece of paper throughout our entire lives?  How would the consciousness of the period change?

Well, it wouldn't, because the period has no consciousness to begin with, but with humans, we have the ability to connect experiences from the beginning of time, throughout our lives, and also project our knowing into the future.

How are we viewed from the fourth dimension, or fifth, or greater ?

Every human has an energy signature.

We exist as interpenetrating fields of energy. there are trillions of cells, and an electrical vibration in each one.  When we are seen atomically, we are more space than we are matter.

As our solar system is mostly space, so are you.

We are, literally, a walking, moving galaxy of stars.  Even though our physical field seems very solid, it is actually quite different from the standpoint of light, of energy.