Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rite Two: Healer's Rite : Opening Sacred Space, the 7 Directions

The Seven Directions:  Open Sacred Space

When you begin your healing work, sacred space must be opened.  Place your hands together, palms inward, at your heart.  Raise them up into the 8th chakra, which is just above the crown chakra, and open your hands out, palms outward. Spread your hands down to create the luminous energy field.  

See the picture below (thank you, Alex) Return your hands to prayer position.  
Continue opening to the seven directions.


To the winds of the South,  Great Serpent, Satchamama
Wrap your coils of light around us. Teach us to shed the past the way you shed your skin.  To walk softly on the Earth.  Teach us the Beauty Way.  Walk with us.

To the winds of the West, Mother Jaguar, Otorongo
Protect our medicine space. Teach us the way of peace, to live impeccably
Show us the way beyond death.  Walk with us.


To the winds of the North, Hummingbird, Sewacanthe, Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Ancient Ones, Come and warm your hands by our fires
Whisper to us in the wind. We honor you who have come before us,
And you who will come after us, our children’s children.  Walk with us.

To the winds of the East, Great eagle, Condor.
Come to us from the place of the rising Sun. Keep us under your wing. 
Show us the mountains we only dare to dream of…
Teach us to fly wing to wing with the Great Spirit. Fly with us.

Mother Earth
We’ve gathered for the healing of all of your children
The Stone People, the Plant People, The four-legged, the two-legged, the creepy crawlers,The finned, the furred, and the winged ones, All our relations.  Be with us.

Father Sun

Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, to the Star Nations  Great Spirit, known by a thousand names. And you who are the unnamable One. 
Thank you for bringing us together and allowing us to sing the Song of Life.

Interior Being  (Hands on heart.  Focus energy on YOU.  Silent prayers.)

–When you have finished your healing work, sacred space must be closed. It is important to close the Sacred Space every night or at the end of the work week. Sacred space can also be opened at home to create an atmosphere of peace and protection. To close the space, follow the same procedure as for the opening, acknowledging the four directions, Mother Earth and Father Sky. Thank the archetypes for being with you—serpent, jaguar, hummingbird, and eagle—and release their energies to return to the four corners of the Earth.

Lesson 2:  Crossing the Hummingbird Bridge

Shamans always begin healing ceremonies by opening sacred space.  If you walk the medicine path, you are a student.  You may be called as a Healer.  You may be called as a Lightworker.  This calling does not make you a shaman.  Your presence here today, does not make you a shaman.  It makes you a student, an initiate. When you complete the study and practice of Wisdomkeeping, you may be initiated into a specific tradition, and then, teach others.  If you plant the seeds of these teachings, they will sprout and grow into incredible and powerful skills.

Your commitment today puts you on the Hummingbird Bridge.  Will you study and practice?  Will you walk the walk?  Will these seeds burst forth within you?  Will you make it to the other side?  Will it take a week or a year, or many, many years for the effects to take place?  Will you turn back and forget where you are (been there, done that)?

Before you take the Healer's Rite, you must learn to call upon the energy of the four cardinal Directions, then, Mother, Father and Self.  You will practice the importance of opening sacred space for yourself and how to protect others.  

The practice of creating sacred space has been used by shamans in all areas of the world.  It provides a safe and sacred space within which to work.

In this space, we leave behind the affairs of ordinary life, the bustling world of meetings and schedules, and prepare to meet the Divine.  Sacred space allows us to enter our quiet minds, where healing takes place.

Within sacred space, our burdens become lighter, and we can be touched by the hand of Spirit.  After we finish our healing work, sacred space must be closed again, acknowledging the seven directions.

Sacred space is a healing sphere that is pure, holy and safe.  Imagine it as a shimmering cupola above the area where you do your healing work.  Everyone within this space is protected.  Sacred space creates an environment where our defenses can be lowered, where we can explore our soft underbelly. 

Sacred space also gives us access to the luminous healer – the medicine men and women who assist us from the Spirit world.

You can create sacred space and summon the healing power of nature anywhere on Earth.  You can use it while your own prayer reveals itself to you.  The shaman’s covenant with Spirit is that when she calls, Spirit answers.  

Powerful medicine people from the Spirit world appear (the Earthkeepers) in the form of luminous beings who assist us in our healing work.  You can employ a smudge stick of sage, palo santo, frankincense, or copaiba, or scented water if you like.  Shamans throughout the Americas accompany their prayer by fanning the sage or burnt offering with an eagle or condor feather in the appropriate direction they are addressing, or holding their hand up to the sky and saluting each point.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Rite One: Bands of Power

The Munay Ki is the name for nine energy transmissions available to all who seek to work with the luminous energy feld (LEF.)  This name was created by the Four Winds Society, founded by Alberto Villoldo, with whom I travelled to Peru for my initiation.  The original series of rites were simply part of the Wisdom teachings of the Q'ero Shaman.  There are slight differences in the order and the process as given by the Q'ero.

I teach the original form, with BANDS OF POWER installed first, then, the Healer's Rite.

The Bands of Power take two to three weeks to develop and grow into a full, magnetic protection.  They are installed in the LEF.  The Bands begin to dismantle the others forms of protection that you have been using your whole life: psychological protections, shields, armor, negative energy, thoughtforms - things that provide us from experiencing life and that provide us with a false sense of safety.

The Bands allow us to walk with safety and grace in the world.  They are an essential protection.   The Bands are 5 luminous belts that are woven into your LEF.  The first band is black; it represents earth.  The second is red; it represents water.  The third is golden; it represent the sun, or fire.  The fourth band is silver; it represent wind, or air. The fifth is white; it is pure light.

They act as filters, breaking down into one of these elements, any negative energies that come your way.  These energies can feed you rather than making you toxic.  In a world that is filled with anxiety and fear, the Bands of Power allow us to walk with grace, fearlessly in the world.

Your Bands should be checked every year.

You need to feed the bands.  When you work in the soil, walking on the Earth, allow these energies to soak upwards through your feet and legs, into your first band.  When it rains, or when you are near water, allow the water to soak into your second belt, and then, drip down into the lower bands, down through the earth.  When you are near fire, or when you are in the sunshine, allow this energy to fill your third belt, allowing the rays of warmth to crack open the seeds that you have been tending in your lower belts.  When you are feeling a breeze or admiring the silvery moon at night, soak in the energy and store it in your fourth belt.  Imagine the light gently illuminates the lower three belts.   When you are in a spiritual place, such as a church, ashram, or meditating in front of your own altar, or in nature, allow the pure white light to enter and fill your fifth belt, and seep into the lower belts.

The sixth center is your crown chakra, and it is a rainbow fountain.  When you are filled with laughter and joy, allow that energy to spill up, around and through the entire LEF.  These threads weave your bands together.

You can strengthen the bands by breathing practices, fire ceremonies, aligning with wind, water, moon, meditation.  You can strengthen the bands by creating art that reflects your ideas, vision and mental out-picture of what these bands feel like for you.

Who are you becoming, ten thousand years from now?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Nine Rites of the Hatun Karpay

The exchange for each class is monetary, and gifts for Spirit.

You will be asked to bring water, flowers, 2" white or red votive candles, each time. You will be asked to bring food to share. These are all gifts that you will need for yourself, and to share with Spirit.

The cost is $90 for the first three rites, with the aforementioned supplies. The rest of the Hatun Karpay Rites are offered monthly.

As we develop as a group, I will request that you participate in learning the ceremonies, especially the despacho.

Come One.  Come All.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Expanding the Luminous Energy Field (8th chakra)

Expanding the Luminous Energy Field (8th chakra)

Create Sacred Space by utilizing the light of the eighth chakra, above the head. The power of sacred space is amplified many times when you expand this radiant orb and rest within it. The eighth chakra resides inside the Luminous Energy Field, outside the physical body.  It is that part of us that is always one with God. When we expand it like a crystal dome, we can actually sit within it and shield ourselves from the static of the world.

Invoke sacred space with the greatest respect. Holding sacred space is like holding the tone of a single note. Your song must be true and crystalline for its quality to be pure.

When you are in the presence of a master shaman or a great spiritual teacher, you feel a difference in the quality of the space. The energy is clean; there is magnetism in the room.

It requires all of our love and intent, as well as practice, to hold sacred space for more than a few moments. With practice, though, it becomes effortless. The space sustains itself.

Practice:  April 10, 2016 1-4 pm

Interested?  theclearing@me.com

Wisdomkeepers 2014

This work calls you.  People can come at any level of energy experience. Students want to get the transmission rites, which will be given each class, but some people need preparation, and so, instruction is also given. 

I teach the work of the Q'ero, Inka, into which I have been initiated.  

This is my tribe:


You will find yourself among a group of men and women who have been walking the path of Healer, Harmony, Seer, Daykeeper, Wisdomkeeper, Earthkeeper, Starkeeper and Creator.  You'll find yourself in company with people you know and with whom you have sat in circle.  You'll find new ones, and old ones. 

More importantly, you will find yourself.

The Nine Rites

The lineage of Wisdomkeepers are medicine men and women from the past who defeated death and stepped outside of time.  The job of the Wisdomkeeper is to protect the medicine teachings and share them with others when appropriate.  This rite helps you to step outside of time and taste infinity.

My intention is to plant the 9 seeds of these Karpays, as they were transmitted to me.  The Wisdomkeepers Rite is the 6th Rite, and I chose this as a title for the group based on what my teachers are requesting at this time.  

The job of the Wisdomkeeper is to protect the medicine teachings and teach it to others, when appropriate.  You can take one or all of the rites.

The nine rites are common to all shamanic traditions, even though they are expressed in different forms an styles in different cultures.  They derive from the great initiations from the Hindus Valley that were brought to the Americas by the first medicine men and women, some 30,000 years ago.  These travelers were the Laika, the Earthkeepers of old.

The first rite consists of protections installed in your Luminous Energy Field (LEF).  These are know as Bands of Power, and consist of five energetic bands representing earth, air, fire, water and pure light.

These bands are installed in the LEF, and act as filters, breaking down into one of the five elements, any negative energies that come your way so that these energies can feed you instead of making you toxic or ill.  The Bands of Power are always "on" and negative energies bounce right off them.  In a world filled with fear, the Bands provide essential protection.

The second rite is the Healer's Rite, which connects you to a lineage of Earthkeepers from the past that come and assist you in your personal healing. 

The Laika know that we have tremendous spiritual assistance available to us. These luminous beings work on us during our meditation and sleep time to heal wounds of the past and of our ancestors.

The third is the Harmony Rite, in which you receive seven archetypes into your chakras.  In the first, you receive the archetype of the serpent, satchamama; second is jaguar, otorongo; third, hummingbird, sewacanthe; fourth, condor.  

Then, three archangels go into your upper three chakra.  Huascar Inka, the keeper of the lower world and the unconscious is transmitted into the fifth chakra; Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent God of the Americas, and keeper of the middle world (our waking world)  goes into the sixth; and Pachakuti, the protector of the upper world (our super-conscious) and keeper of the time to come goes into the seventh chakra.

These archetypes are transmitted into your chakras as seeds.  These seeds germinate with fire, and you have to perform a number of fire meditations to awaken them and help them grow.  

Afterwards, they help combust the psychic sludge that has built up in your chakras, so that your chakras can shine with their light as you acquire a rainbow body.  This rite helps you to shed your past the way the serpent sheds her skin.

Next are the Seer Rites.  This rite installs filaments of light extending from your visual cortex in the back of your head to your third eye and heart chakras.  This practice awakens your ability to perceive the invisible world.  After a few months, students notice the ability to perceive the world of energy around them. 

After I received these rites, I noticed, during healing work, I could see the luminous threads that surround each of us, and the tunnels (chakras) of vibrational essence that we ARE.

The fifth is the Daykeeper Rite.  The Daykeepers were masters of the ancient stone altars found in sacred places throughout the world, from Stonehenge to Machu Picchu.  The Daykeeper is able to call on the power of these ancient altars to heal and bring balance to the world.  This rite is an energetic transmission that connects you to a lineage of Laikas from the past.

According to lore, the Daykeepers call on the sun to rise each morning and set each evening, made sure that humans were in harmony with mother earth, and honored the ways of the feminine. The Daykeepers were the midwives who attended births and deaths, as well as being the herbalists, or curanderas

They were generally women, and were knowledgeable about the ways of the feminine earth. This initiation begins the process of healing your inner feminine, and helps you to step beyond fear and practice peace.

The sixth is the Wisdomkeeper Rites.  The legends say that the ancient wisdom resides in the high mountains.  The ice-covered peaks were revered as places of power, just as other mountains around the world, from Mt. Sinai to Mt. Fuji to Mt. Olympus, have been honored as places where human meets the Divine.

The seventh is the Earthkeeper Rite.  This rite connects you to a lineage of archangels that are the guardians of our galaxy.  They're reputed to have human form and be as tall as trees.  

The Earthkeepers, who are stewards of all life on the Earth, come under the direct protection of these archangels and can summon their power when they need to in order to bring healing and balance to any situation.  

The rite of the Earthkeepers helps you to learn the ways of the seer, and dream the new world into being.

The eighth is the Starkeeper Rite.  This rite anchors you safely to the time after the great change that is said will occur on or around the end of 2012, early 2013, and according to lore, when you receive this rite, your physical body begins to evolve into that of Homo luminous. The aging process is slowed down, and you become resistant to diseases that you were once vulnerable to.  

The ninth is the Creator Rite.  When you receive this transmission, you awaken your God-light, acquire stewardship for all creation - from the smallest grain of sand, to the largest cluster of galaxies in the universe.

The Creator Rite was brought forth and gifted to us by the Inka elders.

I am receiving the Creator Rite, from the elder, Don Francisco Chura Flores. 

It took me 18 months to offer classes, before I started to integrate and process the events that occurred in my life, at the level of Spirit.  When you receive these rites, you acquire the responsibility for all time to come, and of future generations.  It is transformative.

Although there were individuals who attained this level of initiation before, and awakened their Christ or Buddha consciousness, it was never possible to transmit these from one person to another, until now.

So while Spirit-to-Spirit transmission happened on occasion, human-to-human transmission was impossible until now.

We are the new Wisdomkeepers, who it is said, by lore, that will come from the West.  I would love to hear your success and challenges as you practice.

I give thanks to my mentor, Alberto Villoldo, who was called to work with these Andean shaman many years ago.  I am grateful to Jeffrey Wium, Naya Devi and Therese Wells who continue to teach me how to live in celebration of life.

Bands of Power Installation begins January, 2015, date and time TBA. 

THE CLEARING : Center for Well Being
9141 West Lisbon Avenue, Milwaukee,  WI 53222

414) 215-9141  Dr. Susan Palmieri   
Contact : theclearing@me.com with questions

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Nine Rites 2016

The Nine Rites are broken up into three categories:

  • Foundation Rites
  • Lineage Rites
  • Rites to Come
1. Healer Rite
2. Bands of Power Rite
3. Harmony Rite
4. Seer Rite
5. Daykeeper Rite
6. Wisdomkeeper Rite
7. Earthkeeper Rite
8. Starkeeper Rite
9. Creator Rite
(1) Bands of Power consist of five energetic bands representing earth, water, fire, air, and pure light. These bands are activated in your luminous energy field, and act as filters, breaking down into one of the five elements any heavy energy that comes your way so that this energy can feed you instead of making you toxic or ill. Once activated, the Bands of Power are always ‘on’. In a world filled with fear, the bands provide essential protection.
(2) Healer Rite connects you to a lineage of shamans from the past who come and assist you in your personal healing, offering you tremendous spiritual assistance. These luminous beings work on you during your meditation and sleep time to heal the wounds of the past and of your ancestors.
(3) Harmony Rite plants seven archetypes into your chakras:
  • In the first chakra, you receive the archetype of serpent.
  • In the second chakra you receive the archetype of the jaguar/puma.
  • In the third chakra you receive the archetype of the hummingbird
  • In the fourth chakra you receive the archetype of the eagle/condor.
Then, three “guardians” go into your upper three chakras.
  • In the fifth chakra you receive the archetype of Huascar, the keeper of the lower world, the unconscious.
  • In the sixth chakra you receive the archetype of Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, keeper of the middle world (our waking world)
  • In the seventh chakra you receive the archetype of Pachakuti, the protector of the upper world (our super-conscious).
These archetypes are transmitted into your chakras as seeds. These seeds germinate with fire, and you have to perform a number of fire meditations to awaken them and help them grow. Afterward, they help transmute the psychic sludge that has built up in your light body, so your chakras can shine with their original light.
(4) Seer Rite installs filaments of light extending from your visual cortex in the back of your head to your third eye and heart center. This installation awakens your ability to perceive the invisible world, to see and know with your heart and your intuition.
(5) Daykeeper Rite is an energetic transmission that connects you to a lineage of shaman from the past. The Daykeepers were the masters of the ancient stone altars found in sacred places throughout the world, from Stonehenge to Machu Picchu. The Daykeeper is able to call on the power of these ancient altars to heal and bring balance to the world.
According to lore, the Daykeepers called on the sun to rise each morning and set each evening, made sure humans were in harmony with Mother Earth (Pachamama), and honored the ways of the feminine. The Daykeepers were the midwives who attended births and deaths, as well as being herbalists, and traditional healers. They were generally women, and were knowledgeable about the ways of the feminine earth. This initiation begins the process of healing your inner feminine, and helps you to step beyond fear and practice peace.
(6) Wisdomkeeper Rite helps you to step outside of time and taste infinity. The legends say the ancient wisdom resides in the high mountains. The ice-covered peaks were revered as places of power, just as other mountains around the world, from Mt. Sinai to Mt. Fuji to Mt. Olympus, have been honored as places where humans meet the divine. The lineage of Wisdomkeepers consists of medicine men and women from the past who defeated death and stepped outside of time.
(7) Earthkeeper Rite connects you to a lineage of archangels that are guardians of our galaxy. They’re reputed to have human form and to be as tall as trees. The Earthkeepers, who are stewards of all life on the Earth, come under the direct protection of these archangels and can summon their power when they need to in order to bring healing and balance to any situation. The Rite of the Earthkeeper helps you learn the ways of the seer, and to dream the world into being.
(8) Starkeeper Rite anchors you safely to the time after the great change that is said will occur around the year 2012. According to lore, when you receive this Rite, your physical body begins to evolve into that of “homo luminous”. The aging process is slowed down, and you become resistant to diseases to which you were once vulnerable. After receiving this Rite, you may notice you no longer process events occurring in your life primarily at the physical level but rather, at the Spirit level. When you receive these Rites, you acquire stewardship of the time to come and for future generations.
(9) Creator Rite connects you to the light within yourself – the Divine Source within – so you can co-create your life. It awakens your God-nature and brings the cellular realization that Spirit is not only acting through you, but IS you, ineffable Pure Consciousness. This Rite was not available on the planet to non-indigenous people before the Via Illuminata.  Although there were individuals who attained this level of initiation, and awakened their Christ or Buddha consciousness, it was not possible to transmit this Rite from one person to another, until now. 

Special thanks to Alberto Villoldo,  and the Four Winds Society for their inspiration and support.
My plans for first meeting:  

Creating Sacred Space by utilizing the light of the eighth chakra, above the head. The power of sacred space is amplified many times when you expand this radiant orb and rest within it.

The eighth chakra resides inside the Luminous Energy Field, outside the physical body. It is that part of us that is always
one with God. When we expand it like a crystal dome, we can actually sit within it and shield ourselves from the static of the world.

Invoke sacred space with the greatest respect. Holding sacred space is like holding the tone of a single note. Your song must be true and crystalline for its quality to be pure. When you are in the presence of a master shaman or a great spiritual teacher, you feel a difference in the quality of the space.

The energy is clean; there is magnetism in the room. Imagine what we can do when we practice together.

It requires all of our love and intent, as well as practice, to hold sacred space for more than a few moments. With practice, though, it becomes effortless. The space sustains itself.

Next, the seven directions.  A talk.  Some prayers (despacho). Then, the transmission rite.

Practice with us?
Dear All:

Therese Wells, who took her initiation with me in Peru last year, has started making a beautiful video of the experience.  This is what I mean when I said, "They drove us up the mountain, and then, we had to walk the rest of the way to the temples."  Just wanted to share these moments with you. 


The Wisdomkeepers Class is set to begin in January, in Milwaukee.


Through focused intention, offerings and prayers, the Wisdomkeepers maintain communion with the etheric realm by occupying a heightened energetic frequency, or high state of consciousness.

In this non-egoic state, the spiritual master bridges the illusion of separation between Heaven and Earth, facilitating a space for the Divine to manifest its essence in their presence.

In Milwaukee, January 19, 4-7 pm.  Participate in the ceremonies and teachings that plant the seeds for your unfoldment.  

Interested? Reply theclearing@me.com