Sunday, March 22, 2015

Harmony Rite : Feed with Fire Ceremony

HARMONY RITES (ANYI CARPI) This karpay (energy transmission)  brings to a cellular level, that we are Spirit or God, and there is no separation.

The third rite is the Harmony Rite [In Quechua, the Ayni Karpay], in which you receive seven archetypes into your chakras. In the first chakra, you receive the archetype of serpent; jaguar goes into the second; hummingbird into the third; and eagle into the fourth. Then, three “archangels” go into your upper three chakras. Huascar Inka, the keeper of the lower world and the unconscious is transmitted into the fifth chakra; Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent God of the Americas, and keeper of the middle world (our waking world) goes into the sixth; and Pachakuti, the protector of the upper world (our super-conscious) and keeper of the time to come goes into the seventh chakra.

These archetypes are transmitted into your chakras as seeds. These seeds germinate with fire, and you have to perform a number of fire meditations to awaken them and help them grow. Afterward, they help combust the psychic sludge that has built up in your chakras, so that your chakras can shine with their original light as you acquire a rainbow body.

This rite helps you to shed your past the way the serpent sheds her skin. Here is a description of each of the archetypes. They are like friends that you can call on to help you in any situation: In the 1st chakra is serpent that we call on to shed heavy energies wounds and emotions from others (over-empathy) and to fully engage with our core relationship to the earth. She helps us look at situation as a matter of fact, without getting caught in the emotions, to remain cool and calm.

In the 2nd chakra is jaguar to help us disengage from any battles, to be fearless in knowing and asking for what we truly desire and leaping into our chosen destiny. She can help us track in a very sensitive and invisible way for what is truly going on with a person or situation. She can help us reclaim our passion for life.

In the 3rd chakra is hummingbird to help us be appreciative and enjoy all the processes of life and drink the nectar along the way, and to embark on the epic seemingly impossible journey of the creator that we are. She helps us connect to our ancient wisdom and wisdom to come by being able to master time, to step out of the grip of linear time. She helps us become unattached to what we identify with and to specific outcomes, so that we have nothing left to defend and can simply enjoy the sweetness of life from the perspective of the witness or creator.

In the 4th chakra is condor/eagle to call on to look at the big picture and broadest perspective and to keep the vision of what we want to create most in our lives, to dream our world into being and use our feelings as guidance and a critical part of our asking, our prayer. Condor/eagle helps us to honor our own heartfelt desires and know that we can manifest them with the grace of Great Spirit.

In the 5th chakra is Huascar, keeper or harmonizing principle of the lower world, the subconscious, who helps us to go there and see what we truly are and what we truly want in life and call back parts of us that we may be missing along with the passion and gifts that we receive and that we then bring to the world (soul retrieval). We call on Huascar to help us determine our truest and most subconscious being and to help us with our shadow work – embracing and thus no longer attracting those aspects of ourselves that we would rather not experience. The great paradox of what you push against gets bigger, what you resist persists, and what you embrace disappears.

In the 6th chakra is Quetzoquatl, organizer of this world that helps us to pay our bills, keep our appointments, maintain our relationships, health and well-being in daily life and general quality of life. In other traditions this archetype is also known as Kokopelli, Kukulkan, Koni Raya and many others. With the help of Quetzoquatl, we don’t have to micromanage our life.

 In the 7th Chakra is Pachakuti, organizer of the upper world, the keeper of possibilities who helps us to dream a new and better world and life into being (the destiny retrieval). Pachakuti helps us to call on our next evolution, to step out of linear time and recognize and change that which we would like to change before it manifests.


The great archetypes of our tradition are organizing principles of the Universe. They are the forces that we call to create sacred space and they are the Energy Beings that have been planted as seeds in each of your chakras. It is important to remember that you have received them as seeds, they are pure potential - it is your own engagement with them and your relationship with them that will grow them into the powerful forces that inform your chakras in new ways.

That is why you do the fire ceremonies, to grow these seeds with fire. Take the two weeks after each fire ceremony to source yourself from the archetype in each chakra, see your world from that perspective, so that you get your own sense of connection to each archetype.

You can also create an indoor fire ceremony using candles, or a burning bowl.

Instead of being exclusively informed by our histories and by our cultural prescriptions, these organizing principles of the Universe, begin to organize our energy centers.

Serpent: Mother of the Waters; archetype of the healer throughout many cultures; the one who teaches us to shed our personal past the way she sheds her skin -- primary life force, the one who dives deep, deep - who knows the way into the deepest places inside of ourselves - the One who walks with beauty on the belly of the Mother – the One who knows the way back to the Garden, the place of innocence.

Jaguar: Mother-Sister Jaguar who knows the way across the rainbow bridge to the world of mystery – the One who swallows the dying sun, teaching us to step beyond fear, violence and death. The archetypal connection to the life force of the jungle, everything that is green; steward of the life force – Luminous Warrior who has no enemies in this world or the next – represents the Life/Death principle and renewal.

Ancient Ones and Hummingbird: The place of the ancestors, Grandmothers and Grandfathers, ancient memories, ancient wisdom – the Ones who have stepped outside of Time but slip through the curtain to help us remember the ancient ways – the way of the Hummingbird, who drinks directly from the nectar of Life -- not built for flight yet undertakes and accomplishes the impossible journey.

Condor or Eagle: The great archetype of the East, the place of the rising Sun, the place of our Becoming -- principle of seeing from high perspective, vision of clarity and beauty, the great wings of the condor hold the heart, teaches us to see with the eyes of the heart – the One who pushes us out of the nest to spread our own wings so that we may always fly wing to wing with the Great Spirit. 3

Huascar: Lord of life; Lord of death. Historically, one of two sons of Pachakuti Inka (the Inka who read the prophecy of bearded men with sticks that spoke with fire who would turn the world upside down). Huascar was the keeper of the medicine teachings; he was killed by his brother who then negotiated with the Spanish. He became the harmonizing principle of the Lower World – the chaotic dark place of all creative potential. He/she is the renewer of the Earth and our own personal need of renewing our own earth, fields that are fallow, places that need aerating. The gift of Huascar is to harmonize our relationship with our Shadow. The Keeper of the Lower World (our unconscious)

Quetzelcoatl: Lord of the morning/the dawn; the Day Bringer, Morning Star; -- Quetzel is a beautiful jungle bird and coatl is serpent, reptile, a feathered, winged serpent that has acquired flight - the organizer of the middle world, brought irrigation, medicine plants and stonework, walked the Americas, brought stability, music, dance, flutes, drums - though it has been lost in our culture, we can call on it individually, an animistic knowledge of the ways of the Earth - organizes your relationship with the Middle World - when you come into relationship with Quetzlcoatl you don't have to micromanage your life. The Keeper of the Middle World (our waking world).

Pachakuti: Historically, the Inka king who was given the prophecy that the world was turning over (coming of the Spanish) the keeper of the possibilities, organizing principle of the Upper World; - embodies the concept of circular time, stepping outside of linear time - makes time stand still - brings order, heavenly order - coming into relationship with Pachakuti allows us to recognize what can be changed and changing it before it is born.

You must develop your own relationship with the archetypes and your descriptions should come from your experience. The Protector of the Upper World (our super conscious).

You must develop your own relationship with the archetypes and your descriptions should come from your experience.

The Harmony Rite comes from the lowland Q’ero, the Huachipayre people from the edge of the Amazon. Alberto Villoldo learned it from don Alejandro Cahuanchi, a renowned healer.  Susan Palmieri received the rites on an expidition with Villoldo, in 2012, from don Francisco Chura Flores (and his paqos).

Friday, March 20, 2015

Transmission 2: Healer's Rite

Get yourself "tuned up" before you start.  Open your Wiracocha.  Make sure you have opened your medicine space.

Masters of Living Energy

Sit at the top of your mountain, connect with Source, and fill yourself up with pure light.  Return to the room.  Call in your apukuna, your celestial guardians and teachers.  Are you able to feel the difference between light and heavy energy?

Harmonizing Similar and Dissimilar Energies

I like to offer a discussion before the rites to open and clear the energies present.  This lesson looks at energy, and our influence on healing.

Energy runs from “sami” which is the name for pure, ordered, light, compatible energy, to “hucha” (WOO-cha) which is heavy, dense and incompatible energy.  Sami is a cosmic energy and hucha is created only by humans. 

Because hucha is like a color, or a tone, it infuses all things with its frequency.  Hucha can be held by animate and inanimate objects.  When you pick up a chair at a rummage sale, you pick up the owner’s hucha.

Energy can be ordered to become a chair, an apple, a building.  Paqos teach us to experience the “flavor” of each energy. 

When you understand the amount and type and flavor of energy, you are able to move  it.  Hucha goes to Pachamama, she likes RED and BLACK.  Imagine that you are pushing or shaking off any heavy energy to Her.  Imagine that She mulches the energy into productive soil.

You can draw celestial energies from anything, because all things and places store light; you are invited to draw sami from your Masters, and from cosmic Source.

Medicines of Light

Based on traditional teaching and unique sourced water from healing wells all over the world, this process is my Gift to you.   

Please read through the entire story before starting.

                        Susan Palmieri, Ph.D.  Stay tuned.

The Back Story

I believe in the Divine Masculine Father God and the Divine Feminine Mother God

"Mother, what holds the intelligence for the fly, the flower, and the bugs?"  


In order for people everywhere to have access to the Healing Waters from around the world, a World Congress of  Illuminated Light Workers has been preserving the tradition of creating positively charged holy water.  

Negative impressions that the water may have received while streaming through violent, disease-filled cities and toxic pipelines are eliminated, and the intelligence of the water is restored to its healing purity - balanced and structured.  

It will hold the prayers that you intend the water to carry.  It will taste differently.  It will have a positive effect on those who drink it.  I call it Holy.

You must be willing to assist in the preparation and distribution of this Holy Water.  It is with deep gratitude and love that we generously offer this sample of charged water, and the following prayer.  

We are grateful to Era of Peace for gathering, purifying and distributing the water,  and the prayer. 

This Divine Intervention is given to heal all of humanity, and to restore the healing waters in the world.  All we need to do is pour some starter water in the body of water (any size : one gallon or five gallon) and carefully follow the instructions to activate and energize the water.  

Once the activation is completed, your large bottle of water is just as powerful as the original vial of starter water.  Pour some of this into your small vial to share, or for your next batch.

You can repeat the process and create as much Holy Water as you like for your personal use and to share with your community.

Start with a small glass every day, and work up to using only Holy Water for everything (including cooking).  You will be busy charging water.  It is your Medicine of Light.  

Every evolving soul has the unprecedented opportunity to let go of fears, behavior patterns and belief systems that no longer serve the Highest Good.  To assist us in this process, we are able to use the purest and holiest water.

Water is a cleansing, healing unguent that makes up over 80% of our physical bodies and the body of Mother Earth.  Throughout time, water has been used as a Holy Sacrament.  Its healing properties are without comparison.  The various bodies of water around the world contain different crystals, minerals and unique healing frequencies for the many needs of Humanity.

The specific healing energy, vibration and consciousness within the water from the many sacred wells around the world have been collected and preserved in the starter water.  Within this unified field of consciousness, every time we activate tap water, chlorinated, bottled, dirty, or toxic water, every body of water is amplified and intensified.

You can repeat the process as often as you wish.  remember to always set aside some of your starter water.  It is best stored in glass and kept out of sunlight or refrigeration.  I always label my water bottles “Holy.”

You can also pour some of your water into pools, lakes, streams, creeks, rivers, seas and oceans with which we contact.  All we need to do is pour some starter water in the body of water,  place your hands in the water, and repeat the Divine Activation.

After you're finished with the Activation, leave the cap off the bottle for at least 6 hours, so the Holy Water will breathe and become oxygenated.  Then replace the cap, and place your bottle of Holy Water in the sunlight for a total of 72 hours (3 days.)  It doesn’t matter if the days are cloudy or sunny. 

The spiritual light of the Sun is never blocked by anything.  During the 72 hours, the Divine Activation will be assimilated into the blend of Holy Water, and, when the time is up, your  large bottle of Holy Water will be as powerful as the starter water.

The Source(s)
EGYPT:  Nile River; Initiation Wells at Karnak & Luxor; Dendara and Abydos; Coptic Monastery of the Holy Virgin St. Mary; Church of  Disciples; Monastery of St. Anthony; St. Mark Coptic Church at Cairo and Alexandria.
REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA : Sacred Zulu Healing Water from the Indian Ocean.

GEORGIA : Sacred Spring in the former Soviet Union
INDIA: Ganges River
TIBET: Water from Lake Manosavar
JAPAN : Mount Fuji

Water from Sacred Mt. Olga Gorge in the Outback; Aboriginal Healing Springs at Mossman Gorge

ENGLAND : Chalice Well and Glastonbury Abbey; Stonehenge; Avebury; Silbury Hill; Crop Circles; Blagdon Lake; St. Michael’s Mont (English Channel) Well of Eternal Youth in Iona; Healing Waters of Alhambra; Sacred Spring on Holy Island; Holy Well Sancreed in Cornwall, St. Nectan’s Waterfall, Thethevy, Tintgel in Cornwall.
ESTONIA : Sacred Spring Water from an old Estonian Monastery in Kuremae
SCOTLAND : Loch Ness; Callanish; Iona Abbey; Healing Water from spring in Findhorn
IRELAND : Blarney Stone; New Grange; Knowth; Downth; Hill of Tara; Hill of Slane; Holy Well of Mary; Kenore; County Kerry; Healing Water from springs in Iravi and Donne; St. Brigit’s Well.
FINLAND : Lake of the Shield in Kilpisjarvi
SCANDANAVIAN COUNTRIES : Sa Anna Tuntin Mountain Range (radiates through Finland, Norway and Sweden)
FRANCE : Loudes (the Miraculous Grotto); Rennes-le-Chateau St, Magdalene Church; Rennes-le-Bains; Mt. Bugurach;Carnac; Mont St. Michel (English Channel); Healing Waters from the Sacred Cave of Mary Magdalene; Sainte Baume in the South of France.
SPAIN : Christopher Columbus Monument - Barcelona Harbor; Olympic Fountain at Olympic Village, Barcelona; Cathedral Springs at Santiago de Compostella; Finesterre at Galico
ITALY : St. Peter’s Basilica and St. Peter’s Fountain at the Vatican; Basilica of St. Francis at Assisi, Mount La Verna; Saint Rosalia Sanctuary on Monte Pellegrino in Sicily
SWITZERLAND : Healing Spring from the Gregorian Monastery in Eisiedeln

MEXICO  : Tlacote; Palenque; Chichen Itza; Res Zapotes; Gulf of Mexico; Aqua Sol; Carribean; Bimini
GUATEMALA : Tikal; Kaminal Juyu (at the same pyramid) a Sacred lake in the volcanoes; a Mayan Sacred Initiation Waterfall high in the mountains; St. Francis Cathedral
COSTA RICA : Fountain of the Black Madonna

ISRAEL : Church of the Holy Sepulchre; Church of the Dormition on Mt. Zion; garden of Gethsemane; Church of Mary Magdalene; Dome of the Rock; Western Wall (Wailing Wall); Sea of Galilee; Mt. Hermon; Mt. Beatitudes; Nazareth Church of Annunciation; River Jordan
TURKEY : Water from the Sacred Well at Meryemana in Ephesus

Water from Lake Rodopounamu near Lake Taupo in the North Island

USA : Arkansas: Hot Springs, Hot Springs National Park. Arizona : Oak Creek, Sedona; Montezuma’s Well. California : Mt. Shasta. Colorado : Manitou Springs; the Garden of the Gods; Artesian Springs; Eldorado Springs. Florida : Ponce de Leon’s Dream Fountain of Youth; St. Augustine. Georgia : Healing Water, Conyers. Idaho: Squaw Valley; Snake River. Missouri : Mormon Temple, Independence. New Hampshire : Sacred Spring. New Jersey : Deer Park, Carlstadt. New Mexico : Lourdes of America, Santuarro de Chimayo. North Carolina : Sacred Spring. Ohio : Christ in the Hills, Kilgore; Shrine and Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes; Providence Heights, Euclid; Maranatha (Aramaic for “Come, Lord Jesus”) Spring, Seven Hills; Water from Serpent Mound. Utah : Mormon Temple, Salt Lake City. Washington, DC : Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Wisconsin : Holy Hill, Hubertus. Wyoming : Grand Tetons; Old Faithful; Yellowstone River. American Indian : Water Spirit Healing Water.
CANADA : Mt. Robson; Lake Louise; Lake Lorraineall (associated with Archangel Michael); Glacial Water from the ancient ice fields, Jasper; Water from the Hot Mineral Springs in Banff.

BOLIVIA : Three springs on the Island of the Sun, Lake Titicaca; St. Francis Church of Copacabana
PERU : River of the Sacred Valley at Machu Picchu, Urubamba.
VENEZUELA : The Spring of Apparitions of the Virgin Mary, Betania.
EQUADOR : Water activated on the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse - Neptune/Uranus Conjunction

The Divine Activation 

The Divine Activation is being given not only as a Gift for the healing of Humanity but for the healing of the waters of the world as well.  We can all serve as instruments of God for this facet of the Divine Plan by pouring some of our Holy Water into pools, lakes, streams, creeks, rivers, seas and oceans. 
All we need to do is pour some starter water in the body of water, and then place our hands in the water, and repeat the Divine Activation.  Treat the water as a sacred sacrament.


If you have been trained in the Medicines of Light, please charge yourself now.  
If you have any training in Energy Medicines, fire up your healing frequency.
Pour some water out of your big bottle to make room for the starter water.  Pour in the starter water, and place your hands on the sides of the bottle.  Begin:

(Say aloud 3 x)
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh Adonai Sebayoth
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh Adonai Sebayoth
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh Adonai Sebayoth

(Say aloud 3x)
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts

(Say aloud 1x) 
This invocation is used to invoke the full gathered momentum and power of our Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent Father-Mother God – All That Is.

(For your information only - do not read )

The Sacred Geometry of the following formula expresses humanity’s Transfiguration from the fallen human ego (666) into the Solar Christ Presence (999) in to the Mighty I AM Presence (12 12 12)

(Continue, aloud...)

12  12  12

I AM visualizing two blazing Pyramids of Light. One is forming in my third eye chakra.  The other is forming in my Heart Chakra. These Pyramids of Light are comprised of the five Solar Aspects of Deity instrumental in activating the blueprints of Limitless Physical Perfection within my RNA DNA structures.

As I activate these Divine Blueprints, my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies are transformed, at an atomic, cellular level, into the Limitless Physical Perfection of my Solar Light Bodies.

The two Pyramids are each formed on a foursquare WHITE base representing the Fourth Solar Aspect of Deity, the ASCENSION FLAME.

The first side of the Pyramid is a GOLD triangle which represents the Tenth Solar Aspect of Deity, the FLAME of GOD’S LIMITLESS ABUNDANCE and ETERNAL PEACE.

The second side of the Pyramid is a GREEN triangle, which represents the Fifth Solar Aspect of Deity, the FLAME of GOD’S NEW ORDER OF HEALING AND ILLUMINED TRUTH.

The third side of the Pyramid is a VIOLET triangle which represents the Seventh Solar Aspect of Deity, the FLAME of GOD’S POWER OF TRANSMUTATION and LIMITLESS PHYSICAL PERFECTION.

 The fourth side of the Pyramid is a PINK triangle which represents the Third Solar Aspect of Deity, the FLAME of GOD’S DIVINE LOVE and REVERENCE for ALL LIFE.

As I observe the Pyramids in my mind’s eye, they begin to slowly spin, projecting forth concentric circles of Light through my heart, head and hands.  The multifaceted aspects of Deity within each Pyramid blaze through my heart, head and hands into the Holy Water.

As this occurs, I am lifted up into a blissful state of GRATITUDE, and I AM enfolded in the embrace of GOD’s complete ACCEPTANCE, FORGIVENESS, LOVE and TRUTH.

Within the embrace of my Father Mother God’s Divine Balance, I project my Divine Intentions into the Sacred Blend of Holy Water. I consciously program into the intelligence of the water, exactly what I want the Holy Water to do for me personally and for my friends and loved one collectively. (pause)

After activating the Sacred Blend of Holy Water with my personal Divine Intent, I invoke the Beings of Light from the Realms of Illumined Truth:
In the Name of the Almighty Presence of God, I AM, and through the full power of God blazing in every Heart Flame, I invoke into the forcefield of Humanity’s Unified Cup of Transfiguration the twelve Solar Elohim and the Directors of the Five Elements : Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether.

Blessed Beings of Light, come forth now, and project into this Sacred Holy Water, through my HEART, HEAD and HANDS, the most intensified  activity of Healing and Transfiguration allowed on Earth at this moment by Cosmic Law.
Charge, Charge, Charge every molecule of this Sacred Holy Water with the Divine Blueprint of Heaven on Earth. (Pause.)

Charge, Charge, Charge every molecule of this Sacred Holy Water with the Immaculate Concept of my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. (Pause.)

Charge, Charge, Charge every molecule of this Sacred Holy Water with the Truth of Limitless Physical Perfection. (Pause.)

Charge, Charge, Charge every molecule of this Sacred Holy Water with the tangible,, physical manifestation of Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty, God’s Limitless Flow of Abundance, Transfiguring Divine Love, Happiness, Eternal Peace, and every other quality of God’s perfection. (Pause.)

Permanently SEAL this Divine Light in the Core of Purity pulsating in every electron of this Sacred Blend of Holy Water (Pause.)

Expand the power and effectiveness of this Divine Activation the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow, daily and hourly, moment-by-moment, with every breath I take.  I accept that this Divine Activation has been victoriously accomplished with God’s Full Power.

It is done! And so it is, Beloved  I AM.


Humanity is being subject to a multitude of outside influences that are causing all kinds of problems in our physical bodies.  Pollution, pesticides, food additives, chemical preservatives, and every imaginable kind of emotional stress are wreaking havoc on the cells and organs in our bodies.

As a result we are creating designer diseases that are resistant to all known treatments, and mental disorders are trapping people in a vicious cycle of depression and pharmaceutical chaos.

Odd symptoms that are new and unexplainable are manifesting in our bodies and in the bodies of our children. People are afraid, and they are leaning on a higher power for assistance.

In my world studies with holy men and women, I have learned to become an Earthkeeper.  This process is in my “Medicine Bag”.  I am grateful to my teacher, Don Francisco, in the Sacred Valley of Urubamba, Peru for bringing me to the Sacred Mountain.  We use this water in our blend to return to our Mother Earth, her full restored Purity.

I am grateful to Patricia Cote-Robles and the World Congress on Illumination for collecting, purifying and distributing the blend of Sacred Waters.  Many Wisdomkeepers from around the world have collected Holy Water from sacred sites that have offered  miraculous healing.  

The Higher Powers have heard our prayers, and the remedies are available through pure foods and water, and a change in lifestyle.  Clearing out old patterns of thought and behavior  will assist all people to enter into a higher vibration and find the blessings of PERFECT HEALTH, WEALTH, RIGHT RELATIONSHIPS, JOY, TOLERANCE, TRUTH, and every positive attribute imaginable.  

May YOU and your community benefit from this process.