Sunday, February 16, 2014

Masters of Living Energy : SusanTalks

Masters of Living Energy

Sit at the top of the mountain, connect with Source, and fill yourself up with pure light.  Return to your communities.  Are you able to feel the difference between light and heavy energy?

When you find a Master of this energy, you can sit with them and fill yourself up.  This does not harm the Master.  If you are equal in energy to someone, you cannot fill yourself up with energy.  You would not sit with someone who has heavy energy and fill yourself up.

Heavy energy is not always negative, nor diseased.  Heavy energy is a vibration.  Red is a vibration and it is heavier than white. 

Masters of Living Energy must know how to transmute red into white.  The Earth loves red.  She wants more red.  Feed her with red light.

Many indigenous tribes have been assaulted by heavy energies, and have hidden their teachings.  Sadly, the specific knowledge of how to work with certain energies has been lost.  In the Sacred Valley, where I trained, many families did not know how to work with the Bands of Power.  I learned from Villoldo, a Cuban anthropologist who studied with Q’ero elders for 30 years. 

Villoldo has changed the practice.  He teaches the first band is black and represents earth; the Q’ero teach the first band is black, but it represents water.

I teach the second Band first; the first one second.  I have my reasons.  At the end of the day, you will have both teachings.

One teacher says tomato; one says tomato.

As the elders age and pass on their knowledge, the current impulse is to abandon the traditional ways and modernize the practice of medicine.

What we are left with is a classroom full of Evangelists, Marxists, Communists, Free Left Thinkers, New Age Crystal Healers, Anthroposophs, Buddhist Catholics, Gypsies, Atheists, Pagans, Witches, Sorcerers, and common thieves.

And those are just the teachers.

Harmonizing Similar and Dissimilar Energies

Energy runs from “sami” which is the name for pure, ordered, light, compatible energy, to “hucha” (WOO-cha) which is heavy, dense and incompatible energy.  Sami is a cosmic energy and hucha is created only by humans. 

Because hucha is like a color, or a tone, it infuses all things with its frequency.  Hucha can be held by animate and inanimate objects.  When you pick up a chair at a rummage sale, you pick up the owner’s hucha.

Energy can be ordered to become a chair, an apple, a building.  Paqos teach us to experience the “flavor” of each energy. 

When I first became an herbalist my teacher said, “Pick a flower that grows in abundance in your area.  Sit within a field full of this flower until you know its signature.  Then, when you need to call on the medicine of this plant, you can do it without it being present.”

When you understand the amount and type and flavor of energy, you are able to move  it.  Hucha goes to Pachamama, she likes RED and BLACK.  Imagine that you are pushing or shaking off any heavy energy to Her.  You can draw celestial energies from anything, because all things and places store light; you are invited to draw sami from your Masters, and from the cosmos : Source.

Medicines of Light and Messages in the Water        

Everything has an energy signature.  Water is like magnetic tape, it hold the imprints of the places through which it flows.  If a river or stream runs through a city that is fighting, the water will carry that signature to the next town.

Water holds the message of its previous location.  It can be cleared and recharged with positive, healing messages.  Water that travels underground, is cleared through its contact with natural mineral salts in the earth, and through crystalline sunlight.

You can also charge yourself and the water you have in any similar way, with positive intention and prayers.

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