Sunday, April 13, 2014

Seeing the World of Energy

The Seers Rite helps activate our ability to perceive the subtle world of energy. Most people will notice this as an increase in intuition and a sensing of energy around them. For me, I began seeing geometric patterns during my morning meditation.  With eyes closed and with eyes open, I noticed the fine luminous threads that extend from the physical body into the matrix that contains the nadis.

 We will also begin to "see" ourselves more clearly as well. Parts of ourselves that we have wanted to hide will become more apparent to us.  We tend to hide, even from ourselves,  our gifts or greatness as well as aspects of our being that are in need of healing. 

When the seers rite is transmitted, we first create several connections from the third eye or 6th chakra centered in the middle of the forehead to the visual cortex at the back of the head. And then connect the heart chakra with the visual cortex, like a necklace from the heart to the back of the head. You can enliven these connections by bringing your attention to them. The more deeply you do this, the more effective it will be.

When you work with a fire ceremony, bring to the fire your intention for the rites to be nourished. Call on the lineage of seers. You may wish to use your fingertips to tap or just follow along the connecting lines from your third eye and heart chakras to the area of the visual cortex at the back of the head.  This encourages perception to be informed by the compassion of the heart center (munay) and the insight of the third eye or head center (yachay).  

It is time for you to see your own complex being and potential.  If you focus on the energetic connection between third eye and heart, you are able to work from a higher frequency and dimension.  

People ask, "How is this teacher (healer, guru, master) able to do this energy work?"  I believe it is through purity and perseverance.  I know that I have to enliven my "bands" and my channels with pure intention, thoughts and action.  I can't be toxic 24/6 and then expect on the 7th day that my work is of excellence.

In other words, I have to "check my own pulse" before I practice medicine.  I examine the energy flow in my own chakras and nadis.  I practice meditation and yoga, which to me, is a way of being throughout the day.

Your basic 7 chakras are contained within this glorious matrix of nadis.  Here are some basics:

The Sanskrit term ‘Nadi’ comes from the root ‘Nad,’ which means motion, flow, or vibration. Just how veins and arteries are important for the healthy functioning of our physical body, Nadis weave through our physical nerves as well as the subtle circuitry (yoga nadis) of the mind, of the self, of the consciousness matrix that supports our physical presence from invisible dimensions of existence.

Prana needs to flow freely through the system to be healthy; when it becomes weak or congested, it leads to poor mental and physical health. Often painful life experiences lead to blockages and ultimately health woes, so opening up these channels is important for our overall well-being.

The body is filled with innumerable Nadis that cannot be counted. Tantric wisdom state that there are 72,000 Nadis in the human body, 14 are principal nadis out which Sushumna, Ida and Pingala are considered to be most important.

Nadis are energy channels that carry prana throughout our body

Ida nadi
Ida, associated with the energy of the moon, represents the feminine aspect of our personality and is often shown as white. 

It is also the Yin element in Chinese philosophy. Ida controls the function of parasympathetic nervous system which calms the mind and body, because it is related to emotions, feelings and memories.

When Ida becomes too strong or dominant, tiredness, depression, introversion, and an inability to see things with a clear perspective can take over.

The Ida is channeled via the left nostril and Pingala nadi through the right nostril.

Pingala nadi
While Pingala, associated with energy of the sun, represents the masculine aspect of our personality and is often shown as red. 

It controls the sympathetic nervous system, and stimulates activities and planning of body and mind. Pingala nadi is responsible for the logical, rational and analytical intellect. Pingala is also the Yang element in Chinese philosophy.
When Pingala is overused, due to the hustle and bustle of city life, we can have difficulty sleeping, concentrating or we can become anxious, irritable, and impulsive.

Ida and Pingala start and end to the left and to the right of the Sushumna respectively, moving in spirals like the DNA helix, crossing at each chakra or energy portal. It is the interaction between these two distinct yet complementary energy channels that controls our mental processes, intuition and the activity that takes place between the left and right hemisphere of our brain. 

The sacred union between the male (solar or day) and female (lunar or night) aspects of our spiritual nature forms the basis of most evolutionary esoteric paths.

Sushumna is the central channel of energy in the human body that runs from the base of the spine to the crown of the head and carries Kundalini energy, the primal evolutionary force within, upwards as it is awakened through the practice of Yoga and meditation.

Sushumna nadi only opens and flows freely when Ida and Pingala nadis are balanced and clear, thus the purification of all three nadis are important for the overall health, wellness of the body and mind, and one can also experience spiritual growth.

As humanity makes a big shift of consciousness from the Collective Mind to the Collective Heart, I believe that the subtle technologies of our physical and etheric bodies will unlock or reveal themselves to us and spontaneously restore or repair themselves to a state of optimum balance and health.

To determine the flow of current at any particular time note the flow of breath in the nostrils. It the left nostril has a greater flow of air, then ida nadi is predominant. When the flow is greater in the right nostril, then pingala is predominant. If the flow is equal, then sushumna is ruling.

Hatha Yoga is a yoga technique that focuses on bringing this balance. Meditation, Pranayam, breath work and sound (nada or swara yoga) healing are different paths that one can explore to achieve this balance as well.  

All traditional medicine men and women have all been saying the same thing; teaching the same healing practices.  They are no longer reserved for the Master, Teacher or Guru.  They belong to all of us.  

Westerners, it's time to tune up!

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