Thursday, June 19, 2014

Expansion : Light Body School

Energy Medicine

Energy healing medicineThe Light Body School offers an in-depth training in the philosophy and practice of Advanced Energy Medicine. The required 7-course curriculum the Hero's Journey is named according to the four directions – “South,” “West,” “North,” and “East” – plus three Masters level classes where you learn the ancient wisdom teachings of the Americas combined with cutting edge neuroscience.
The Luminous Energy Field (LEF) envelops the physical body and holds a record of all your emotional, physical, and spiritual traumas. The LEF is an information field, a blueprint that determines how you will heal, live, and might die.
Traditional medicine men and women of old discovered how to erase the imprints of disease from the LEF, break free of generational curses, and wire the brain for joy and creativity.  The Light Body courses teach you the ancient practice of how to heal your LEF, and erase imprints of disease. 
The Medicine Wheel Program
If you are invested in the Wisdom Teachings, but not the Energy Medicine, we welcome you to our Seven Directions Medicine Wheel Program. These courses are three days in length each. 
In the Light Body School
You start with Direction South, where you shed your limiting beliefs, the stories and blocks that keep you from living the life you dream of.  In the South class, you learn how to clear the imprints of trauma and disease through the Illumination process. When these imprints are removed, life changes, and health returns!  
Then you take the Direction West, where you shed your genetic and karmic ‘destiny.’ You learn that you are your dreams, and not your genes, and that you do not have to live, suffer, or die the way your ancestors did. Through experiential exercises you discover the journey beyond death and the practice of fearlessness.
Then you face the Direction North, where you release the roles and personas that you identify with. You take your place in a lineage of wisdom keepers who live outside of time.  You connect to you soul’s calling… the essence of who you are, where you allow yourself to be seen … nothing to hide.
Then you take the Direction East, where you realize that the world is as you dream it, and that everything you perceive is a projection of an internal map you carry. You begin to create the world you truly wish to live in.

In Direction Within, you step beyond the body and the mind, and enter the domain of the soul– the place of the gods.  You discover the ancient myths and archetypal forces that guide your journey through life. 
The Advanced Journey
We also offer graduates of the Light Body School Advanced Courses 

Wisdomkeepers transmits the foundational and lineage rites of the Munay Ki.  These nine rites are offered over a three month period of time. In the first session, you receive the first four Foundation Rites (the Healer, Seer, Bands of Power, and Harmony Rites.)  In the next session, you receive the Lineage Rites (Daykeeper, Wisdomkeeper, Earthkeeper, Starkeeper and Creator Rites.)  The third session is the Transformational Munay Ki workshop that teaches you how to transmit the rites to others.  You learn the transmission processes and significance and power of giving these rites to others.  You learn the journeys that our ancestors took to connect you to these moving energies.

For many of us, a gift received is also an impulse to give, to be in balance by being in service to others.

In the series, Beautiful Brain, you learn to repair the brain to access states of shamanic ecstasy where you can heal the body and mend the mind. You discover how, detox, super-foods, and shamanic practices help you, your family and your clients grow a new body that heals, ages, and dies differently.

In addition, you may practice Despacho and Shamanic Ceremony.  Shamanic ceremony links you to an ancient lineage of medicine men and women who support you on your healing journey and your work.  Through experiential exercises, you will develop your abilities to:
  • Directly connect with the energy matrix of the cosmos to work with grace, power and beauty in the world
  • Use the shaman’s way of seeing and tracking to find the causes of disease
  • Heal the soul to facilitate profound change in yourself and others
  • Venture outside of time and space to heal events that occurred in the past or find a more desirable destiny
The hands on healing techniques, rites of passage, and maps of the soul you will learn, have been tested for 50,000 years and allow you to break free of limiting beliefs and behaviors, and keep your health span equal to your life span.  

Through Cord-Cutting, Soul Retrieval and Access Consciousness, you recover the innocence and freshness you thought you had lost.  You master the ancient arts that wire your brain for health, joy and longevity.  

Skydancing explores the Light Body through stillness and creative expression.

Journey through each one of your chakras to release old patterns and claim a new self. Open the gates of your perception to track emotions to their source and transform them into pure fuel for creativity. Partake in ceremonies that purify you while inviting you to open yourself to new dimensions. Cultivate an elevated way of perceiving your world!
Through intent, meditation, and spontaneous movement, clear the conditioned responses and old triggers that are embedded in your psyche; claim your freedom of expression; and rebuild a new luminous field that supports your soul’s dream.
  • Nourish your body with organic foods.
  • Release your confused and grasping mind as you are guided to relax your ego.
  • Discover effortless inner stillness spontaneously transforming emotions into energy.
  • Rekindle your bond with Mother Earth and Spirit as you participate in ancient ceremonies.
  • Join a medicine circle of new friends while being the lucid dreamer of a new dream.

Presently, we ask that interested students call for a personal interview - a needs assessment, if you will.  

Call today:  414 215 9141 - or contact

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