Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Creator Rite : We are Made in This Image

Taitanches : The Creator Rite

Have you seen the video of Ganesha, bathed in color and sound?  This will be your first step into a deeper mystery.  Watch the video, then stare at a blank wall.  

Ancient cultures have always used song and art as a way to teach a greater Mystery.  This intricate design is not just pretty, but describes the fabric of the Universe.

My prayer for you is that this intelligent design awaken in you the connection to Source that will open memories of who you are and why you are here in Earth.

What are They Saying?

Sanskrit is a language that originally was a way to "sing your scriptures."  It was primarily used as a collection of hymns and incantations, called sutras. 

Shorter versions of these aural codes, like AUM (or OM), are called mantras. 

Sing your prayers!  

Om is the sanskrit mantra representing God as the cosmic vibration inherent throughout creation. The ancient yogis discovered that a subtle universal energy coming from the Sun called Prana was actively sustaining the Cosmic drama of creation. 

They discovered that this power flows into the human body principally through the medulla oblongata and from there into the seven bodily psychic centers into man's various bodily structures. This energy coming as it does from the most holiest thing in the solar system was therefore taken as an obvious name for God. In chanting this sacred name one has to use the full capabilities of the mouth and vocal cords - thus it became the root of all languages. As such all words are contained within its sound structure!!! The Mantra Om, was written in this shortened version by mystics and masters for centuries with great reverence. 

One of the main reasons it was written in this way rather than as A-U-M was due to the tremendous power of this sacred word. One of the most important yogic and spiritual injunctions regarding this mantra is that it should not be chanted in its fullness without due discrimination, reverence and love. It is said that this AUM vibration has three aspects, or gunas. 

Creation, Preservation and Transmutation. 

When a person utters this most holy of all mantras he or she puts into operation one of the three qualities of AUM. This is another reason behind the ancient religious injunctions to speak truth and more importantly - live it! 

So, use this great mantra - by all means - but use it correctly by studying the methods used by the great masters and always with the greatest possible reverence. 

This great Cosmic vibration can be heard by the yogi in meditation. The yogi discovers that when kundalini is lodged in the heart center he or she is able to hear the subtle forces within that centre as a tremendous gong-like sound, somewhat similar to the AUM sound coming from the Sun. 

In fact this gong or giant long drawn-out bell which is heard will often sound so loud that it will appear to do his ear drums physical damage. 

It's interesting to note that when this center is fully opened the great power of love can for the first time be understood and used in service to all who need it. 

When kundalini opens the throat center in her entirety, the yogi can hear the forces within the Ajna or christ center above which physically sound like a roar of an ocean or rushing waters of a gigantic waterfall.

When the goddess kundalini reaches the Ajna chakra the yogi can hear the combined sound symphony of all the bodily nerve centers within the body as well as the great primeveal vibration - AUM. 

All the different subtle sounds heard by the yogi in meditation are particular aspects of the Divine Vibration, AUM. They are different vibrations of the same energy functioning in different ways. 

The different aspects of the AUM vibration encased in a sound structure are what are termed as - Mantras.  

Take some time to integrate this.  When you come back:  the Translation. 

Whether you recite, whisper or utter them silently to yourself, mantra japa or repetitive chanting is said to be the simplest way to access God. 
The 15 Ganesha mantras are described as ‘siddhi mantras’ (siddhi in Sanskrit  varyingly means “perfection”, “accomplishment” or attainment of spiritual power.), with each one containing powers attributed to the elephant God. 
Meditating on these awakens our own untapped potential for accomplishment in varied endeavors. Regular chanting will also enhance one’s ‘psychic body’, energizing the kundalini or subtle energy that lies coiled at the base of the spine. 
Thus, the worshipper is freed from negative thoughts and emotions; at the same time, his mortal body too is cleansed of toxins. 

Om shrim hrim klim glaum gam ganapataye...  

vara varada sarva
janamme vashamanaya svaha

The bell-like tones of this mantra bring forth a shower of blessings. In uttering them, the worshipper surrenders his ego to the Creator, seeking protection and grace at all times.  Notice the first line which contains several seed (in Sanskrit, “beej”) mantras, single syllabic utterances from Vedic texts whose meanings vary depending on their intonation and the purpose of incantation. 
‘Om’ for instance, is an affirmative sound, one which fuels our energies and is associated with divine protection and benevolence. ‘Shrim’ invokes love and beauty; it concerns the heart and hence, both physical and emotional health. ‘Hrim’ is associated with Maya, a syllable that empowers us to see through the illusory nature of the world. 
‘Klim’ is forceful, stimulating and energizing; symbolically, it is represented by a thunderbolt that destroys lowly ignorance. ‘Glaum’ is the earth element while ‘Gam’ is the primal Seed, Ganesha himself. 
In chanting this mantra, the devotee seeks the grace of Ganesha in his present life and all future lifetimes.

I have written it more English phonetically.  I do not wish to change the meaning, only aid the Westerners in pronouncing the sound:

Om Shrim Hrim Klim Glaum Gam Ganapataye Vara Varada 

SaravaJanamMe VashaMa haye Svaha

This is the longer version of the infinite design. 

Infinite awareness knows the one, the many, and she who unites them, transforms them and makes them whole.

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