Monday, November 24, 2014

8th chakra


Create Sacred Space by utilizing the light of the eighth chakra, above the head. The power of sacred space is amplified many times when you expand this radiant orb and rest within it. The eighth chakra resides inside the Luminous Energy Field, outside the physical body. It is that part of us that is always one with God.

When we expand it like a crystal dome, we can actually sit within it and shield ourselves from the static of the world.

Invoke sacred space with the greatest respect. Holding sacred space is like holding the tone of a single note. Your song must be true and crystalline for its quality to be pure.

When you are in the presence of a master shaman or a great spiritual teacher, you feel a difference in the quality of the space. The energy is clean; there is magnetism in the room.

It requires all of our love and intent, as well as practice, to hold sacred space for more than a few moments. With practice, though, it becomes effortless. The space sustains itself.

Practice:  In Dallas, Contact Laura Barsotti, In Milwaukee, Contact Dr. Susan Palmieri

Please see for more information.

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