Tuesday, December 16, 2014

First Rite : Bands of Power

Today’s talk is about the luminous energy field and creating sacred space. We install our Bands of Power, and learn how to clear them, protect them, and charge them.

The indigenous view of man, nature, and the divine is that they are not really separate. Just as every cell is part of the whole body, or each fern or moth is part of a forest, so each of us is part of the whole organism of Nature. These ceremonial acts are undertaken to create balance (in Quechua: Ayni).

When you bring your personal concerns in this context, you are not imposing your limited will or wishes on creation. Rather, you are seeking to bring those wishes into the balance of the whole, to align your desires with the rest of the creation-process. 

This is where “right relationship”, or ayni, is so important.  If I show up today complaining about my mortgage payments, my ex-husband, my kids’ crazy schedule, I not only imbalance my energy field that day,  I upset the harmony of the group.

Many of us are already sensitive to the energy fields of others.  Some of us can actually “see, sense or feel” the luminous bodies of others.  Some of us will refine and develop these gifts as we progress through the series.

Instead of bringing discordant vibrations to the group, bring Harmony.  Bring Love.  Bring Kindness, Gratitude, Peace and Calm.

In Eastern tradition, we call the layers of energy centers, the chakras.  In Quechua, these layers are called “bands” or “chumpi.”

We also have a field of luminous energy that surrounds the body, an aura.  When the energy field is heavy with emotions and data, it is black.  Just like a rainbow, the heavier colors have a lower frequency - black, red, yellow, green, blue, purple.  Colors that have a shorter wavelength have a higher frequency.

When we work with our energy field, we work with white “light.” Yet, white is not a color.  It is the Source of energy that is broken down into visible color.

Working with Intention

Clear your mind.  Take time out and breathe deeply.  Imagine your energy centers bright and filled with color.  See a white glow all around you.  Keep this aura tight around you.

See, sense and feel beautiful energetic cords of white light going through your central channel, an arms-length above your head, to an arms-length below your feet, entering into the earth, and circling back up, an arms-length around your body, back to your crown, cycling through the central channel, below the earth and around.

With hands in anjali mudra, prayer position, reach up above 8 inches above your crown, into your 8th chakra, open it up, move your hands, palms out and sweep open your energy field.  Imagine it extends around you, in front and back, above, below, and within.  Return your hands to anjali mudra.

If you are working to heal someone, or to protect them, you can sweep open the 8th chakra once again, and include the other body, building, or external spaces.  When you are finished, gather, from the bottom, the “cloak” of white light energy that surrounds you, return your hands to the 8th chakra, “deposit” your light, and return your hands to anjali mudra.

Opening Sacred Space, Close Sacred Space

To the winds of the south, sachamama, great serpent, mother of the waters, we call on you, mother come and wrap your coils of light around us
teach us your ways, to shed the past , the way you shed your skin, teach us the beauty way, to walk with beauty on the earth, to touch everyone we touch with beauty, be with us

To the winds of the west, mother sister jaguar, come to us, walk among us, teach us your ways  of fearlessness, of gentleness, teach us the ways beyond death, be with us

To the winds of the north, seewatcanthe, Chuparosa, hummingbird, Essence of power (sweetness ) Essence of freedom (beauty), grandmothers and grandfathers, ancient ones, guardians and keepers of this land, we call on you we come to honor you today, you who have come before us, and our children's children, we call on you in your name we gather, be with us

To the winds of the east, the place of the rising sun, mother eagle sister eagle, condor, come fly to us, come to us , from your mountaintop in the east,
hold us sweetly under your wing, mother, teach us your ways of flight, of sight , be with us

Pacha Mama, great mother, mother earth, we come to you mother, thank you for your breath, for your waters, and to all our relations, the stone people, the plant people, the creepy crawlies, the winged the furred the finned, all our relations, be with us

Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, to all the star nations, our star brothers and sisters, the sacred mountains of this land, of this earth, Wiraqocha Great Spirit, creator of all, you who are known by a thousand names, you who are the unnameable one, you who sit above us and below us,  you who sit at the north and the south and the east and the west, thank you for bringing us together again for allowing us to sing the song of life one more day

Hands on your heart (quietly say your name) thank you for the good work you do.  Finish with any other prayer or blessings to your Self.

This “opening” is a prayer.  Remember to Open Sacred Space, and Close it when finished.  Leaving sacred space open too long allows pollution to enter.  When I close space, I use the same opening prayers, or, I will say what needs to be said.

For example, To the winds of the South, Sachamama, Great Serpent, teach us how to shed our stories.  Help me teach by example.  Thank you for the walk today.  To the winds of the West, great sister jaguar, why is it so hard for us to face death?  Show us the ways of gentility, and grace, and give us the power we seek to stay strong.  Stay with us.  To the winds of the North, great grandmother, elders, hummingbird.  We thirst for stories of success and change.  Help us work through our ancestry and learn to find the sweetness in every moment….. and so on.

Your Closing Prayer can be identical to the Opening Prayer, or you can speak directly to the archetypes and thank them.

The Bands of Power

Bands of Power are woven around the luminous energy field, to protect from heavy energies, turning them to one of the five elements. Imagine your body covered in sparkling black energy around your waist, rippling red energy around your tummy, fiery gold energy around your heart, shimmering silver energy around your neck and shoulders, and a bright white light around your head. Finish this off with a rainbow aura!  

Bands of Power are also often called the bands of protection, although they are not protection in a defensive sense of a word.  They offer a container for us to collect more light and stay in connection to these elements that assist us with our inner power.

This can also give a feeling of groundedness - connection to our self, to nature and to living energy.

Feed Your Bands

When you are in the earth, standing in the soil, pull this energy into your black band.  Lie down on the ground.  Sit in the mud. Pull energy from the layers of rock upon which our cities are built.  Pull energy down into the many layers and deposits of minerals and ore.  Pull energy from the gold, and the diamonds, and the juice of the earth.  Store it in your black band.

When you are breathing air, extract the water from it, and store it in your red band.  When you are bathing, rained on, when there is snow or ice, store the energy of water in your red band.  When you feel heavy, send droplets of water into your black band to feed it.  Think of a gentle rain on parched soil rather than a downpour of water on already soaked earth.  Be gentle.

When you are in the sun, or near a fire, or candles burning, store the energy in your gold band.  Drink in the sunlight when you can, even when it is overcast, and store the energy in your yellow band.

When you are in the wind, or simply breathing fresh air, store the energy in your silver band.  In especially turbulent winds, wild and fast, store the blessed energy in your silver band.  You can transfer energies when you are too hot, or too heavy from your silver band to your yellow band.

When you are aware of the living energy in all things, the special glow that you find in nature, whether it be day or night, store this in your white band.  When you see that special glow from starlight, store this in your white band. Everything shimmers with this white light.  Gather it.

Rainbow light surrounds you, and can be drawn from an aurora borealis, prism light, or an actual rainbow.  There are rainbows everywhere that light is split by glass or crystals.  Look around.

When you are at a fire, or have a fire ceremony, you crack open the seed of this rite, and your bands activate.  Anytime you are at a fire pit, release any heavy energy and restore.

Close Sacred Space

Go through the 7 directions and thank each archetype.  Gather your cloak of luminosity from the ground and return it, back above your head into your 8th chakra.  Finish with hands in anjali mudra.

1 comment:

  1. Please share your experiences with the group. Contact me if I can be of service to you. (414) 526 5699 Love, Susan
