Saturday, January 16, 2016

Wisdomkeepers Project

The ISLANDS OF LIGHT COLLECTIVE (IOLC) is a cooperative undertaking dedicated to providing living, retreat, ceremonial and educational environments for individuals and organizations from all walks of life. IOLC includes the Beacons of Light, Islands of Light Living Centers and New Earth Educational Facilities.

The BEACONS OF LIGHT is a multi-year operation to establish a circuit of energy points, or Beacons of Light around the globe. Each beacon is established using inter-dimensional prayer and sacred masculine-feminine energies to manifest individual anchor points on the grid. The Beacons work together with the planetary body and human consciousness to help us remember who we are and where we come from.

ISLANDS OF LIGHT CENTERS and SCHOOLS are a network of sanctuaries and heart based living-retreat-educational centers where people of all ages and backgrounds come together to live, learn and dream within the consciousness of our New Earth reality. Locations are being established at both new and existing facilities that wish to create points of the grid as well as in places of natural beauty where Earth and Star energies can be experienced in their undisturbed forms.

IOLC is a clarion call to help birth a new global reality. It is a means of reweaving ancient wisdom into the gaps of modern society in order to help realize our collective future. As an inter-dependent network, both participants and facilities benefit from shared resources, complementary skill sets and infrastructure to support collaboration, comprehension and planetary cohesion. These principles have always been at the core of ancient lifeways and are coming full circle to be the bedrock of the New Earth.

We are in the time of remembering the balance between the wisdom of the elders and the trust and innocence of the children. The new dreamweave is now active.

The  ISLANDS OF LIGHT COLLECTIVE comes to life in Japan in May 2016.


Maestros of the Living Energy recognize that true wisdom is born of one's personal experience, heart intelligence and the holiness forged from daily activity – that life itself is an art and those devoted to its mastery, its artists. 

Each year Andean Paqos enter a time of retreat to harmonize the mind, purify the body, gain insight and set prayers while communing with the forces of Nature.
We are pleased to invite you to join us for a personal retreat, an opportunity to work directly with the Andean Altomisayoqs and the Consciousness of the Terrestrial and Celestial realms amid the Holy Mountains of Peru. 

These focused healing retreat-pilgrimages offer a space to cleanse and recalibrate while engaging the ancient practices of a tradition known for its animistic lifeways and conscious embodiment beyond the trauma and drama of human suffering.

This is an invitation to awaken the wisdom that sits within You, to birth knowledge from personal experience and support self-realization. This program is experientially based and universally accessible to help individuals reconnect to intuitive intelligence, increase well-being, align with life purpose and evolve overall consciousness.


1 April, 12:00 Noon: Meet in Cusco then travel into the mountains to begin our retreat at a tranquil camp on the shores of Lake Pomacanchi. This  natural setting provides a relaxing atmosphere for unwinding, inner exploration and experiencing the holistic rhythms and ancient practices of the Andean celestial masters.

Each day begins with centering and meditation then moves into directed learning, purification and harmonization practices to help balance the mind-body and strengthen one’s connection to Mother Earth. 

This time is dedicated to learning Andean wisdom teachings, experiential understanding and working ceremonially at sacred locations in Nature. Light to moderate walking is required to access various ceremonial locations. Evening hours provide participants with space for discussion, relaxation and contemplation. The overall structure of the retreat offers ample opportunity to go within, find perspective, converse with the Paqos and gain understanding of their animistic lifeways based on multi-dimensional reality. 

Following our time by the lake we will travel deeper into the mountains where we will camp at the foot of one of the primary Holy Mountains. This part of the journey is a dedicated spiritual pilgrimage into the heart of the Andean celestial tradition to connect with the Heavens. Participants are provided with a space to go deeper into personal healing while exploring higher aspects of the universal cosmology held in the Andes. Daily activities focus on practical techniques, harmonization and attunement preparations and receiving energetic transmissions. The nature of the work is both individual and collective in nature, spontaneous and heart opening. It helps you remember and connect with your Inner Source.

We will be operating in mountainous regions at elevations up to 15,800 feet. While there, all of your needs will be supported by an experienced team of Paqos, assistants, porters and chefs to provide participants optimal space for their unfolding. Hot meals are provided three times a day with most dietary needs able to be catered to with advanced notice at registration. Individual tents are provided for each traveler.

Participants need to be in good physical, mental and emotional health, be open and authentic, and able to manage themselves well in unfamiliar environments. Plan to arrive in Cuzco no later than March 31st in order to acclimate to the 11,000 foot / 3,353 meter altitude. Please book your return flight out of Cusco no earlier than April 10th. 

If you are interested in staying in Peru longer than our program dates, we ask that you schedule your extra travel and sight seeing BEFORE the retreat-pilgrimage dates. We have found that tourism after deep spiritual work can be difficult on the body’s energetic system and interfere with one's integration process. Planning a day or more of rest at home prior to jumping back into busi-ness is also highly recommended. We have scheduled the trip to support this important aspect of well-being.

PRICE: $3,100 USD – All inclusive program and ground expenses for nine days, April 1st-9th. Participants are responsible for their own travel to and from Cusco and any personal needs for the duration of the stay. Space is limited to 15 people, please register soon.  Contact (414) 215-9141.






There is a new movement upwards.  Our ascension process is bringing many people quickly into the fifth dimensional realm of cause.  You will hear of many new teachers - all of whom have assumed new identities and new names.  They have shed their skin from the old patterns, and have become new children of the New Earth.  It will seem like they speak a new language.  They communicate with new beings.  They teach many new ideas, and some of them are astral projections of their new constructive minds.  

Tune into your own creative field.  You are not the body.  You are not the mind.  You are the soul.  This energy will inform you of the many truths that lie ahead of us.  The collective field (including the collective consciousness) is marked with points of light, of which you are one.  Follow this light.  It is the information that you seek.

Global Consciousness is the portal to the 5th dimension :  These are the goals:

It is necessary for us to start to improve our environment. The first thing is to do away with the various types of pollution that presently clog our global environment. 

Use clean technologies. Use them to clean up the chemical, radioactive and other toxic materials that we need to eliminate from our environment. 

Once this is done, we can then add to the projects that are ongoing to solve the food, water and housing questions of humanity. In this new era, we are able to resolve what projects remain. It is vital that we begin to work successfully with each other.

What groups can you join to actively serve these projects?


"In the name of I am that I am, in the name of divine soul presence that I am, in the name of all ascended beings of light, in the name of the Galactic Confederation, in the name of the Galactic center, I decree and command to cancel and nullify all my past, present and future contracts and agreements made between any part of my being and the dark forces. All these contracts and agreement and all their consequences are now completely erased from my reality. I am now free, all the karma of my whole being is now erased as well.

I am a free sovereign being of light, from now until eternity.

So be it, and so it is.
In Light,

(Your name)

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