Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Wisdomkeepers 2016


Through focused intention, offerings and prayers, the Wisdomkeepers maintain communion with the etheric realm by occupying a heightened energetic frequency, or high state of consciousness.

In this non-egoic state, the spiritual master bridges the illusion of separation between Heaven and Earth, facilitating a space for the Divine to manifest its essence in their presence.

In Dallas, check in with Laura Barsotti, laura.barsotti@me.com   Participate in the ceremonies and teachings that plant the seeds for your unfoldment.

You will participate in a 9-month series, and receive the rites of the Hatun Karpay (in North America, the Munay Ki) one transmission rite each month.

You are welcomed to search this blog (join!) and get ready for the transformation of a lifetime.


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