Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dear Well Beings:

My background is Energy Medicine, and I am a teacher and practitioner of natural medicines.

For several months, I have been on a mission to open a new community space. I decided that, instead of just one Grand Opening, that I would have one OPENING every month - one chakra at a time. In this way, we could share our knowledge and experience of WELL BEING from the ground up.

We are now working on the throat chakra, and I am planning events for this, as well as looking forward to the presentations and speakers for each coming month. (I plan to use the twelve chakra system.)

Once we work on the basics (first through fourth chakras) we cross into a level of BEING that requires full consciousness. The Heart Chakra will open in as much time as it needs, and I recommend that you stay tuned in to the issues and events happening.

Notice that you are rapidly evolving, and can feel an influx of light. This is light that is being used to clear and transform the human race. The beginning stages of your light body are built around the heart and slightly above the heart, in the upper chest.

Some of you get chest colds and congestion, or heart flutterings, as your light body is being built in this area. The new frequency of light is challenging you to open your heart and bring your "energy" heart and your physical heart into alignment (higher vibration.) The next few stages of evolution (or ascension) will connect your heart, throat, mind and spiritual centers, so get ready for that ride.

What does this mean?

The light that is challenging you is asking you to be honest about what you are feeling. Be conscious of what you are thinking. And, please, be mindful of what you are saying.

As much as we would rather read about change and not redirect our own behavior, we must change. We must use the energy of love and compassion and forgiveness. You will have to practice on people that may not be so loving, kind, nor peaceful.

Your teachers may come at you with discord, violence and hatred. You cannot choose to practice lovingkindness and forgiveness just on the people in your spiritual community! You must practice these loving energies on the most dense and dispairing, difficult and defiant beings that share our planet.

You see, without the honest and pure vibration of love charging and coursing through your heart chakra, you are not able to move that TRUTH up to your throat, or to your third eye, or to the altar of the Great Source.

In the meantime, you may notice you have more challenges than usual, are more sensitive to food, are more telepathic, and more empathetic to the needs of your community and planet.

Are you on board?

Stay Tuned.

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