Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Up We Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder

Dear Well Beings:

In Energy Medicine, there is a new field called epigenetics. I am proud to be a researcher in this field, with Dr. C. Norman Shealy. In the last few months, I have learned that this science, combined with quantum physics, is changing the old vision of what our DNA is all about.

Scientists just began to understand DNA in 1953, and from those early hypotheses, generations of assumptions were made.

The old vision was that genes turn on and off. But current data reveals that there is no such thing as an on/off function for a gene because genes are blueprints (plans) to make proteins, which are the building blocks that give shape to the structure.

Our DNA has the code for all functions and all processes. All of the skills available to our ancestors, and all of the skills available to our future generations, are already coded.

We can access these blueprints through our consciousness. We can reprogram all negative consciousness very easily. This is the new vision: up we go into the wild blue yonder.

Why are babies born in water, swim like a dolphin to the surface and continue to swim naturally? We all have a built-in ability to swim! Why are we teaching children how to swim?

Negative programming shuts down our ability to swim, or do anything. In Energy Medicine, as in other medicines, we know that the cells are more interested in being whole and healthy (homeostatis) than in a diseased state.

Change your mind. Simple as that.

This week's You Tube video suggests a look at Bruce Lipton and Dawson Church. Dr. Church is a colleague of mine from Holos University in Springfield, Missouri, and his book "The Genie in your Genes" has been life changing for me as a health care practitioner.

You can type Dawson Church or Bruce Lipton right into the You Tube search box.

Stay Tuned.

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