Monday, June 8, 2009

The Divine Spark

Dear Well Beings:

I am supercharged.  

For the last 11 years, I have made a pilgrimage to Springfield, Missouri, first to study and visit with Norm Shealy and faculty at Holos University, then for advanced training in a variety of Energy Medicines.  

Students from around the world came to study, so in-between classes in Vibrational Medicine, Radionics, or Quantum Biofeedback, we developed our own faculty and learned & practiced together : Quantum Touch, Past Life Regression, Sacred Contracts (yes, Caroline Myss was working on her book...)

After hours, we'd plug into the most sophisticated devices in the industry - the RejuvaMatrix, ShealyTens, Relaxmate, EPFX QXCI SCIO, Scalar, MIND GEAR, Aqua Chi, and Chi Machine.  

To name a few.

We drank every new formula of superfoods,  and tried every old formula of Edgar Cayce's.  We danced and drummed and sang and ate very little.

After a week to ten days of this intensive treatment, we journeyed home, and I felt supercharged for about a year, just in time for my annual trek.  I drove 600 miles (1200 round) for this and looked forward to it every July.

Two years ago, I decided it was time to bring these systems to Milwaukee, and offer the same services to students and practitioners in the Great Lakes area.   With the exception of the 12 Scalar devices owned and operated by Martha and Paul Katona, I have all of the systems in place for a similar "positively charged" experience.  

(I have a scaled down version of the Scalar system.)

You really must come by.

Stay Tuned. 

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