Tuesday, December 16, 2014

First Rite : Bands of Power

Today’s talk is about the luminous energy field and creating sacred space. We install our Bands of Power, and learn how to clear them, protect them, and charge them.

The indigenous view of man, nature, and the divine is that they are not really separate. Just as every cell is part of the whole body, or each fern or moth is part of a forest, so each of us is part of the whole organism of Nature. These ceremonial acts are undertaken to create balance (in Quechua: Ayni).

When you bring your personal concerns in this context, you are not imposing your limited will or wishes on creation. Rather, you are seeking to bring those wishes into the balance of the whole, to align your desires with the rest of the creation-process. 

This is where “right relationship”, or ayni, is so important.  If I show up today complaining about my mortgage payments, my ex-husband, my kids’ crazy schedule, I not only imbalance my energy field that day,  I upset the harmony of the group.

Many of us are already sensitive to the energy fields of others.  Some of us can actually “see, sense or feel” the luminous bodies of others.  Some of us will refine and develop these gifts as we progress through the series.

Instead of bringing discordant vibrations to the group, bring Harmony.  Bring Love.  Bring Kindness, Gratitude, Peace and Calm.

In Eastern tradition, we call the layers of energy centers, the chakras.  In Quechua, these layers are called “bands” or “chumpi.”

We also have a field of luminous energy that surrounds the body, an aura.  When the energy field is heavy with emotions and data, it is black.  Just like a rainbow, the heavier colors have a lower frequency - black, red, yellow, green, blue, purple.  Colors that have a shorter wavelength have a higher frequency.

When we work with our energy field, we work with white “light.” Yet, white is not a color.  It is the Source of energy that is broken down into visible color.

Working with Intention

Clear your mind.  Take time out and breathe deeply.  Imagine your energy centers bright and filled with color.  See a white glow all around you.  Keep this aura tight around you.

See, sense and feel beautiful energetic cords of white light going through your central channel, an arms-length above your head, to an arms-length below your feet, entering into the earth, and circling back up, an arms-length around your body, back to your crown, cycling through the central channel, below the earth and around.

With hands in anjali mudra, prayer position, reach up above 8 inches above your crown, into your 8th chakra, open it up, move your hands, palms out and sweep open your energy field.  Imagine it extends around you, in front and back, above, below, and within.  Return your hands to anjali mudra.

If you are working to heal someone, or to protect them, you can sweep open the 8th chakra once again, and include the other body, building, or external spaces.  When you are finished, gather, from the bottom, the “cloak” of white light energy that surrounds you, return your hands to the 8th chakra, “deposit” your light, and return your hands to anjali mudra.

Opening Sacred Space, Close Sacred Space

To the winds of the south, sachamama, great serpent, mother of the waters, we call on you, mother come and wrap your coils of light around us
teach us your ways, to shed the past , the way you shed your skin, teach us the beauty way, to walk with beauty on the earth, to touch everyone we touch with beauty, be with us

To the winds of the west, mother sister jaguar, come to us, walk among us, teach us your ways  of fearlessness, of gentleness, teach us the ways beyond death, be with us

To the winds of the north, seewatcanthe, Chuparosa, hummingbird, Essence of power (sweetness ) Essence of freedom (beauty), grandmothers and grandfathers, ancient ones, guardians and keepers of this land, we call on you we come to honor you today, you who have come before us, and our children's children, we call on you in your name we gather, be with us

To the winds of the east, the place of the rising sun, mother eagle sister eagle, condor, come fly to us, come to us , from your mountaintop in the east,
hold us sweetly under your wing, mother, teach us your ways of flight, of sight , be with us

Pacha Mama, great mother, mother earth, we come to you mother, thank you for your breath, for your waters, and to all our relations, the stone people, the plant people, the creepy crawlies, the winged the furred the finned, all our relations, be with us

Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, to all the star nations, our star brothers and sisters, the sacred mountains of this land, of this earth, Wiraqocha Great Spirit, creator of all, you who are known by a thousand names, you who are the unnameable one, you who sit above us and below us,  you who sit at the north and the south and the east and the west, thank you for bringing us together again for allowing us to sing the song of life one more day

Hands on your heart (quietly say your name) thank you for the good work you do.  Finish with any other prayer or blessings to your Self.

This “opening” is a prayer.  Remember to Open Sacred Space, and Close it when finished.  Leaving sacred space open too long allows pollution to enter.  When I close space, I use the same opening prayers, or, I will say what needs to be said.

For example, To the winds of the South, Sachamama, Great Serpent, teach us how to shed our stories.  Help me teach by example.  Thank you for the walk today.  To the winds of the West, great sister jaguar, why is it so hard for us to face death?  Show us the ways of gentility, and grace, and give us the power we seek to stay strong.  Stay with us.  To the winds of the North, great grandmother, elders, hummingbird.  We thirst for stories of success and change.  Help us work through our ancestry and learn to find the sweetness in every moment….. and so on.

Your Closing Prayer can be identical to the Opening Prayer, or you can speak directly to the archetypes and thank them.

The Bands of Power

Bands of Power are woven around the luminous energy field, to protect from heavy energies, turning them to one of the five elements. Imagine your body covered in sparkling black energy around your waist, rippling red energy around your tummy, fiery gold energy around your heart, shimmering silver energy around your neck and shoulders, and a bright white light around your head. Finish this off with a rainbow aura!  

Bands of Power are also often called the bands of protection, although they are not protection in a defensive sense of a word.  They offer a container for us to collect more light and stay in connection to these elements that assist us with our inner power.

This can also give a feeling of groundedness - connection to our self, to nature and to living energy.

Feed Your Bands

When you are in the earth, standing in the soil, pull this energy into your black band.  Lie down on the ground.  Sit in the mud. Pull energy from the layers of rock upon which our cities are built.  Pull energy down into the many layers and deposits of minerals and ore.  Pull energy from the gold, and the diamonds, and the juice of the earth.  Store it in your black band.

When you are breathing air, extract the water from it, and store it in your red band.  When you are bathing, rained on, when there is snow or ice, store the energy of water in your red band.  When you feel heavy, send droplets of water into your black band to feed it.  Think of a gentle rain on parched soil rather than a downpour of water on already soaked earth.  Be gentle.

When you are in the sun, or near a fire, or candles burning, store the energy in your gold band.  Drink in the sunlight when you can, even when it is overcast, and store the energy in your yellow band.

When you are in the wind, or simply breathing fresh air, store the energy in your silver band.  In especially turbulent winds, wild and fast, store the blessed energy in your silver band.  You can transfer energies when you are too hot, or too heavy from your silver band to your yellow band.

When you are aware of the living energy in all things, the special glow that you find in nature, whether it be day or night, store this in your white band.  When you see that special glow from starlight, store this in your white band. Everything shimmers with this white light.  Gather it.

Rainbow light surrounds you, and can be drawn from an aurora borealis, prism light, or an actual rainbow.  There are rainbows everywhere that light is split by glass or crystals.  Look around.

When you are at a fire, or have a fire ceremony, you crack open the seed of this rite, and your bands activate.  Anytime you are at a fire pit, release any heavy energy and restore.

Close Sacred Space

Go through the 7 directions and thank each archetype.  Gather your cloak of luminosity from the ground and return it, back above your head into your 8th chakra.  Finish with hands in anjali mudra.

Wisdomkeeper Introduction

The task of the tribal Wisdomkeeper is to pass on the knowledge and rituals of the culture, in this case, the Q'ero, Inka.  They are guardians of the knowledge of human development, including the gifts received from Star Nations.  In every tribal culture, there are Wisdomkeepers whose tasks include caretaking the Garden (Mother Earth) continuing the spiritual practices of the aboriginal people, and teaching others how to live in harmony with all life.

There is much ceremony, and yet, there is no reason for anyone to discard their religious beliefs or practice.

You can observe, or learn, and participate.

Indigenous people are "animistic."  Do not confuse this term with "animal-istic."  The word, "anima"  comes from the Latin word, "spirit."  Christians call this the "soul," Greeks call it, "psyche."

To be animistic means to be in right relationship with all forms of life.

After our talk, "by the fire," we will create a despacho ceremony.  This is like a living mandala of flowers, foods, and prayer offerings.

We share a meal, and then, each person will receive one of the transmission rites.  This is an enegetic "seed" that is planted in your luminous field, and will, in a short time, crack open and grow.

We have a traditional exchange:  $25 for the Center, a dish to pass, for the group.  We ask for organic foods only.  If you choose to use local fresh foods, we accept that gratefully.  We say it is better to bring one organic lemon that it is to bring some chips and salsa from the gas station.

We ask for materials for the despacho, for Spirit.  This can be candles, water, flowers or special foods.  You will be asked for what is needed each month.  Then, we ask for a gift for the teacher.  There is much more than three hours of teaching that goes into each gathering.  A gift, a professional trade, an exchange of three hours of gardening or housekeeping, are all appreciated.  Please contact Susan with your questions.  


Monday, November 24, 2014

8th chakra


Create Sacred Space by utilizing the light of the eighth chakra, above the head. The power of sacred space is amplified many times when you expand this radiant orb and rest within it. The eighth chakra resides inside the Luminous Energy Field, outside the physical body. It is that part of us that is always one with God.

When we expand it like a crystal dome, we can actually sit within it and shield ourselves from the static of the world.

Invoke sacred space with the greatest respect. Holding sacred space is like holding the tone of a single note. Your song must be true and crystalline for its quality to be pure.

When you are in the presence of a master shaman or a great spiritual teacher, you feel a difference in the quality of the space. The energy is clean; there is magnetism in the room.

It requires all of our love and intent, as well as practice, to hold sacred space for more than a few moments. With practice, though, it becomes effortless. The space sustains itself.

Practice:  In Dallas, Contact Laura Barsotti laura.barsotti@me.com, In Milwaukee, Contact Dr. Susan Palmieri  theclearing@me.com

Please see http://drsusanpalmieri.com/calendar for more information.

Wisdomkeepers 2015


Through focused intention, offerings and prayers, the Wisdomkeepers maintain communion with the etheric realm by occupying a heightened energetic frequency, or high state of consciousness.

In this non-egoic state, the spiritual master bridges the illusion of separation between Heaven and Earth, facilitating a space for the Divine to manifest its essence in their presence.

In Milwaukee, January 11, 4-7 pm.  Participate in the ceremonies and teachings that plant the seeds for your unfoldment.

You will participate in a 9-month series, and receive the rites of the Hatun Karpay (in North America, the Munay Ki) once transmission rite each month.

(Search this blog, January, 2014 - September, 2014, for last year's class entries.)

Interested? Reply theclearing@me.com

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Creator Rite : We are Made in This Image

Taitanches : The Creator Rite

Have you seen the video of Ganesha, bathed in color and sound?  This will be your first step into a deeper mystery.  Watch the video, then stare at a blank wall.  

Ancient cultures have always used song and art as a way to teach a greater Mystery.  This intricate design is not just pretty, but describes the fabric of the Universe.

My prayer for you is that this intelligent design awaken in you the connection to Source that will open memories of who you are and why you are here in Earth.

What are They Saying?

Sanskrit is a language that originally was a way to "sing your scriptures."  It was primarily used as a collection of hymns and incantations, called sutras. 

Shorter versions of these aural codes, like AUM (or OM), are called mantras. 

Sing your prayers!  

Om is the sanskrit mantra representing God as the cosmic vibration inherent throughout creation. The ancient yogis discovered that a subtle universal energy coming from the Sun called Prana was actively sustaining the Cosmic drama of creation. 

They discovered that this power flows into the human body principally through the medulla oblongata and from there into the seven bodily psychic centers into man's various bodily structures. This energy coming as it does from the most holiest thing in the solar system was therefore taken as an obvious name for God. In chanting this sacred name one has to use the full capabilities of the mouth and vocal cords - thus it became the root of all languages. As such all words are contained within its sound structure!!! The Mantra Om, was written in this shortened version by mystics and masters for centuries with great reverence. 

One of the main reasons it was written in this way rather than as A-U-M was due to the tremendous power of this sacred word. One of the most important yogic and spiritual injunctions regarding this mantra is that it should not be chanted in its fullness without due discrimination, reverence and love. It is said that this AUM vibration has three aspects, or gunas. 

Creation, Preservation and Transmutation. 

When a person utters this most holy of all mantras he or she puts into operation one of the three qualities of AUM. This is another reason behind the ancient religious injunctions to speak truth and more importantly - live it! 

So, use this great mantra - by all means - but use it correctly by studying the methods used by the great masters and always with the greatest possible reverence. 

This great Cosmic vibration can be heard by the yogi in meditation. The yogi discovers that when kundalini is lodged in the heart center he or she is able to hear the subtle forces within that centre as a tremendous gong-like sound, somewhat similar to the AUM sound coming from the Sun. 

In fact this gong or giant long drawn-out bell which is heard will often sound so loud that it will appear to do his ear drums physical damage. 

It's interesting to note that when this center is fully opened the great power of love can for the first time be understood and used in service to all who need it. 

When kundalini opens the throat center in her entirety, the yogi can hear the forces within the Ajna or christ center above which physically sound like a roar of an ocean or rushing waters of a gigantic waterfall.

When the goddess kundalini reaches the Ajna chakra the yogi can hear the combined sound symphony of all the bodily nerve centers within the body as well as the great primeveal vibration - AUM. 

All the different subtle sounds heard by the yogi in meditation are particular aspects of the Divine Vibration, AUM. They are different vibrations of the same energy functioning in different ways. 

The different aspects of the AUM vibration encased in a sound structure are what are termed as - Mantras.  

Take some time to integrate this.  When you come back:  the Translation. 

Whether you recite, whisper or utter them silently to yourself, mantra japa or repetitive chanting is said to be the simplest way to access God. 
The 15 Ganesha mantras are described as ‘siddhi mantras’ (siddhi in Sanskrit  varyingly means “perfection”, “accomplishment” or attainment of spiritual power.), with each one containing powers attributed to the elephant God. 
Meditating on these awakens our own untapped potential for accomplishment in varied endeavors. Regular chanting will also enhance one’s ‘psychic body’, energizing the kundalini or subtle energy that lies coiled at the base of the spine. 
Thus, the worshipper is freed from negative thoughts and emotions; at the same time, his mortal body too is cleansed of toxins. 

Om shrim hrim klim glaum gam ganapataye...  

vara varada sarva
janamme vashamanaya svaha

The bell-like tones of this mantra bring forth a shower of blessings. In uttering them, the worshipper surrenders his ego to the Creator, seeking protection and grace at all times.  Notice the first line which contains several seed (in Sanskrit, “beej”) mantras, single syllabic utterances from Vedic texts whose meanings vary depending on their intonation and the purpose of incantation. 
‘Om’ for instance, is an affirmative sound, one which fuels our energies and is associated with divine protection and benevolence. ‘Shrim’ invokes love and beauty; it concerns the heart and hence, both physical and emotional health. ‘Hrim’ is associated with Maya, a syllable that empowers us to see through the illusory nature of the world. 
‘Klim’ is forceful, stimulating and energizing; symbolically, it is represented by a thunderbolt that destroys lowly ignorance. ‘Glaum’ is the earth element while ‘Gam’ is the primal Seed, Ganesha himself. 
In chanting this mantra, the devotee seeks the grace of Ganesha in his present life and all future lifetimes.

I have written it more English phonetically.  I do not wish to change the meaning, only aid the Westerners in pronouncing the sound:

Om Shrim Hrim Klim Glaum Gam Ganapataye Vara Varada 

SaravaJanamMe VashaMa haye Svaha

This is the longer version of the infinite design.  


Infinite awareness knows the one, the many, and she who unites them, transforms them and makes them whole.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Starkeepers - Great Wisdom of the Ages (Indigenous North American)

We are the ones we have been waiting for.  

Sacred Bundle

The MorningStar Teachings of Creator Again Return Unto the Land.”  
~ One Eye (Ista Wanzi)

The Star Nation Elders (Wicahpi Oyate) of the Universes (seen and unseen) have opened a Doorway, are reaching out to Earth Children, handing us a Gift.

Earth Children, open your hearts, receive the Sacred Star Knowledge Bundle of Creator.  It is a Divine Way to live.”  

The Sacred Star Knowledge Bundle (MorningStar Teachings of Creator) has opened to awaken You, to help You remember.  You are connected to All.

The Sacred Star Knowledge Bundle is a 52,000-year old Universal and Spiritual Star Language known to the Indigenous Aborigine First People of Grandmother Turtle Island (North America) as the MorningStar Teachings of Creator.  

Hidden for thousands of years, now, in a sacred manner (through Dream and Vision), the Star Elders (Wicahpi Oyate) of the Universes (Makasitomnia) (seen and unseen) have again sent the (Codes) to the Earth Children.  Given through the Sacred Ceremonies of the Indigenous Earth People of Grandmother Turtle Island (for All People), these Words reconnect our Hearts to Creator and to Mother Earth.  Awakened, we shift to The Earth Way — Balance, Respect, and Love for All.  

Guided by Spirit (Tunkasila na Unci), Grandfather Standing Elk (Tunkasila Hehaka Inazin) and Grandmother SilverStar (Mazaska Wicahpi Waste Wi), Original Code Carriers of Turtle Island, came together in Sacred Ceremony with many Earth Elders and listened to the Spirit Grandmothers and Grandfathers (Unci na Tunkasila).  They received (and released to the People) the Spiritual Understandings of the Sacred Star Language, the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan, that anchors the encoded stellar energies for all life on Earth.  

In 1993, Cherokee-Lakota Grandmother SilverStar, Mazaska Wicahpi Waste Wi, was praying in the desert.  After seven days, the Old Ones, Star People (Wicahpi Oyate), visited Grandmother with a Vision of many symbols.  She returned home to the Ozark Mountains, and in the Old Way, held the Vision in the Silence.  

Then, in the Spring of 1996, the Spirits guided Grandmother SilverStar to begin a Spiritual Walk in the Four Directions.  In the Summer, she traveled from the Ozark Mountains up the Missouri River to Greenwood, South Dakota, to pray at the Sacred Sundance (Wiwanyag Wacipi) of the Yankton Sioux (Ihunktowan Oyate).  There, on Sacred Ground, she joined her brothers Buffalo Man, Tatanka Wicasa, Tsalagi-Lakota Oyate (Cherokee-Lakota Sioux Nations) and Standing Elk, Hehaka Inazin, Nakota Ihunktowan Oyate (Nakota Yankton Sioux Nation) and learned that, for many years, the Star People (Wicahpi Oyate) had visited Standing Elk.

On a cold winter day in 1995, on a Mountain in Wyoming, Grandfather Standing Elk, Tunkasila Hehaka Inazin, was praying during a four-day fast, Hanbdeciya.  He was praying for a blessing and for direction through a Star Altar, Hehaka Wicohan, the Elk Way of the Canupa Wakan, the Sacred Pipe.  Later that night, Grandfather was visited in the Dreamtime by four, tall, metallic-speaking Orion Star People, Wicahpi Oyate, who showed him a bar with symbolic writings.  Receiving instructions telepathically, Grandfather Standing Elk began a journey that to this day is just beginning.

Grandfather Standing Elk, understanding that the star symbols’ interpretation was far incomplete, sought further inspiration from his Vision with the Orions.  As a Dakota Spiritual Advisor, he understood that the Dream was to be interpreted in a sacred manner.  Following the 16,000-year old Teachings of White Buffalo Calf Woman, Pte San Cigana Waste Winyan, he sought spiritual interpretation of the Symbols through ceremony with the Sacred Pipe, Canupa Wakan Wicohan.  

Returning to South Dakota, Grandfather Standing Elk began a series of ceremonies utilizing the Sun Dance Altar of his grandson Deer Man, Tahca Wicasa (Ihunktowan Oyate) and the Inipi (sweat lodge), one of the Seven Sacred Rites of White Buffalo Calf Woman, Pte San Cigana Waste Winyan.  Soon, a spirit teacher named Ista Wanzi, One Eye, emerged from the inner worlds to interpret, one by one, ceremony by ceremony, 11 Universal and 11 Spiritual Laws of Creator — grounding our understanding through a name and a basic understanding.  The teachings from these ceremonies were the beginning of the writings of Maka Wicahpi Wicohan.  

Grandfather Standing Elk knew that the Spiritual Knowledge of the Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Tunkasila na Unci, given in sacred ceremony was to be shared with the Brothers and Sisters of the Four Directions.  In June 1996, he called in strong Red Nation Elders, Ikce Wicasa, of Grandmother Turtle Island (North America) to Wagner, South Dakota, to share the Earth and Star Ways with the People, to help future generations REMEMBER the Way of Living in Balance with Mother Earth.  Red Nation Earth Elders and Earth Peoples of all Lands felt Spirit’s call.  Peoples of Grandmother Turtle Island (North America), Central America, South America (Heart Island), People of Italy, Denmark, the Philippines, and Australia (BlackWhiteYellowRed Nations) camped together on the Prairie under the Stars . . . and listened . . . listened to the Elders of Turtle Island teach the Ancient Star Knowledge.

At this first International Star Knowledge Conference in Wagner, South Dakota, on June 16, 1996, on the closing day of the Star Family Gathering, on New Moon, the day of a 13,000-year Star Alignment, Grandfather Standing Elk, Tunkasila Hehaka Inazin released the 22 Star Laws of Creator (the 11:11 Ascension Codes), revealing the 52,000-year old Universal and Spiritual Star Laws through name and a brief interpretation.  He then put out a call for further interpretation to fully ground the Universal and Spiritual Teachings, and Grandmother SilverStar returned to her ancient Lakota homeland on the Missouri River to join in ceremony.  

Later in the fall of 1996, Spirit-guided by Dream and Vision, Grandfather and Grandmother (Original Code Carriers of Turtle Island) and several spiritual teachers held ceremonies through Canupa Wicohan (the Way of the Sacred Pipe), to bring through the Spirit Grandmothers and Grandfathers, to pray, listen, record, write, and compile the Sacred Messages (dictated text) word for word, and to finish by the end of the year.

On October 15, 1996, on the third day following an eclipse of the Sun, the ceremonies began.  Through the Canupa Wakan Wicohan (Way of the Sacred Pipe) in Ceremony with the Stars, Grandfather Standing Elk prayed for an understanding of the first symbol, Universal Law of Free Will.  Three Spirit Guardians came — Makasitomnia (Holy Ones of Mother Earth), Wicahpi Oyate, (Star Nations), and Gapipilla Oyate (Ascended Masters), dictating three Sacred Messages, opening the Doorways of the Universal Law of Free Will, anchoring the first Star Law Message on Earth.

For “two moons and a little walk,” the ceremonies continued.  Following spiritual protocol, the elders received the dictated text, wrote the Sacred Messages (Spiritual Interpretations) word by word, opening “Doorways to Dimensions of Light, to other Planes of Existence,” and instilling the Light on Earth.  

On December 28, 1996, as instructed by the Unci na Tunkasila, Grandmothers and Grandfathers, the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan ceremonies were completed by the end of the year.  The MorningStar Teachings of Creator again return unto the Land.”  

Grandfather Standing Elk wrote, “The messages of these Sacred Ceremonies came to represent the Galactic Federation’s outreach to Earth’s Peoples.  Approximately 70 spirit helpers of Earth, Stars, and Ascended Masters extended their influence to Earth’s Kingdoms through the 11:11 Universal and Spiritual Laws, and thus created the doorway of the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan for the People and all the Relations.”

Later that winter, Standing Elk’s brother, Dakota Artist They Came and Blessed His Pipe Man, Ta Canupa Yuwakanpi Wicasa, (Ihunktowan Oyate) (seventh son of Dakota Artist Chief Black Spotted Horse (Sungdeska Sapa Itancan) and Beautiful Sundance Woman (Wiwayag Waci Waste Win) answered Spirit’s call to create the visual interpretation of the 11:11 Messages.  Guided by the Tunkasilas (Spirit Grandmothers and Grandfathers) They Came and Blessed His Pipe Man sat praying with the Star Symbols during the Time of the Snows and composed the Sacred Art.

Then, Grandfather Standing Elk prayed for an understanding of the Thirteen Moon Way.  In 1999, the third day following a Lunar Eclipse, the Star Nation Elders answered, giving the 13-Moon EarthStar Winter Count, Maka Wicahpi Waniyetu, Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator in Day by Day Living.  In rhythm with Earth, Moon, Sun, Stars, All Relations, the EarthStar Sacred Timekeeping Way, anchors the Light of the Sacred Star Laws of Creator on Earth.  Day by day in Cosmic Time cycles, utilizing the Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator in Ceremony of the Stars, Two-Leggeds co-create multi-dimensionally (with all Beings) and awaken our human DNA light encodings — the Light of our Heart.  Thus, we live in step with the Heavens.

By 1999, through the Way of the Sacred Pipe, three books were compiled:  The Way of the EarthStar, Maka Wicahpi Wicohan, Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator; The Way of the MorningStar, Anpao Wicahpi Wicohan; and The Way of the StarSpider, Iktomi Wicahpi Wicohan, Universal and Spiritual Laws of Universal Mother.  

From the first Star Knowledge Gathering in June 1996 (13,000-year alignment of the Milky Way Galaxy and the Great Central Sun), conscious of the Mission, guided by Spirit (Tunkasilas), Original Code Carriers of Turtle Island Grandfather Standing Elk and Grandmother SilverStar, and a strong circle of Spiritual Teachers held 13 Star Knowledge Gatherings, completing on November 11, 2000.  

To this day, Spiritual Teachers walk the Land and Pray, traveling Grandmother Turtle Island (Unci Keya), the Americas, and Mother Earth (Unci Maka), sharing the Star Knowledge Bundle, enlightening the People, instilling the Light on Earth.  

O sa da dv.  Mitakuye Oyasin.  

GRANDFATHER STANDING ELK (Tunkasila Hehaka Inazin, Nakota Band, Ihunktowan Oyate (Yankton Sioux)  

GRANDMOTHER SILVERSTAR (Mazaska Wicahpi Waste Wi, No-tlv-si A-de-lv U-ne-ga Wi-li-sa Di-na-ne, Hee-do-ka.  Tsalagi Ani Wa-ya, Oglala Lakota, Ihunktowan Nakota, Tsetsehestehese, Ayisiniwok --Cherokee, Oglala Lakota, Yankton Dakota Sioux, Cheyenne, Cree).  

November 2009
  For 13 years, Grandfather Standing Elk/Golden Eagle/Chief Black Spotted Horse and Grandmother SilverStar and many Spiritual Teachers have walked the Land and Prayed, carrying the Star Knowledge Medicine Bundle (Codes) to help enlighten the Relatives and ground the Light of the Star Laws on Turtle Island, the Americas, and Mother Earth.  Grandmother and Grandfather, Original Code Carriers of Turtle Island, are grateful to the dedicated  PeaceLovers of Mother Earth.

On September 26, 1999, the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan was presented to the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of the American Indian in conjunction with the Groundbreaking Ceremonies in Washington, D.C.  At the Cultural Resource Center of the National Museum of the American Indian, standing beside a Sacred Pine Tree (that three Peruvian Elders had ceremonially blessed and planted moments before), Grandmother SilverStar sang Sacred Dakota Star Songs and presented the Star Knowledge Bundle Maka Wicahpi Wicohan, Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator, Star Law Manual of the Galactic Federation to Cheyenne Elder George Horse Capture.  

On September 22, 2002, Grandfather Standing Elk-Golden Eagle donated the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan to the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) Edgar Cayce Library, Virginia Beach, Virginia.  

In September 2002, Grandmother SilverStar carried the Star Laws Bundle to the Ancient Mayan Temples of Chichen Itza and Dzilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico (Central America).  In the Fall of 2003, for 28 days Grandmother held Ceremony of the Stars with the Brothers and Sisters of St. Germaine’s Universal Brotherhood of Peace Center (PAX), Sao Paulo, Brazil (South America).  

At Summer Solstice 2004, the Star Bundle crossed the Pacific Ocean to Oshima Island (Turtle Island of Japan), to Tokyo Goi Peace Foundation, to Mt. Fuji World Peace Prayer Society Sanctuary, to Hokaido Indigenous Ainu Grandmother Shaman at World Peace Prayer Day, and to Dr. Masaru Emoto (Hado Golden Water Crystal Grandfather) in Tokyo, Japan (Asia).  

In the Fall of 2004, in Ceremony of the Stars, the Light of the Sacred Bundle was anchored through a visioned handmade Sacred Star Shawl (with 28 Pairs of Star Symbols) that Grandmother wore in the Opening Procession of the Grand Opening of the National Museum of the American Indian, Washington, D.C., USA.  Then, at Moon of the Bear, the Star Knowledge Bundle was opened again for Ceremony of the Stars at St. Germaine’s Peace Center, Fraternidade Universalis PAX, Universal Brotherhood of Peace Center (PAX), Sao Paulo, Brazil.  

From 2005 through 2007, at the Ancient Intertribal Council Ground of Turtle Island, the Star Knowledge Circle of the Heart of the Dove held continuous new Moon and full Moon 11:11 Ceremony of the Stars, anchoring the Teachings of the MorningStar in the Heart of Turtle Island.  In the same ancient rhythm, the Unami (Turtle Clan) Star Knowledge Circle anchored Moon Ceremonies in the Land of the Lenapi Lenni (Original Delaware People Land).  

At Summer Solstice 2006, Grandmother SilverStar traveled with Japanese Indigenous Ainu Grandmother Shaman Ashili Rera in the Canyon Lands of Turtle Island.  For 11 days, the Grandmothers walked the land and prayed, opening the StarLight Code Bundle in 7 ceremonies for Mother Earth.  In 2006, the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan — As Leis Estelares, O Caminho Da TerraEstrela — was published in Portuguese in Brazil.  

In February 2007, Grandmother presented the Star Knowledge Bundle to Star Elder Janez Drnovsek, President of Slovenia (Europe).  Then, the Sacred MorningStar Teachings of Creator traveled through Vienna, Austria, to the Arabian Peninsula to three Women’s Colleges in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, United Arab Emirates.  At Full Moon of the Whale Total Lunar Eclipse, Grandmother presented the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan to Sheik Nahian, Minister of Education, United Arab Emirates (Middle East).  

At Fall Equinox 2007, Grandmother visited the Indigenous Guarani People of Brazil.  The St. Germaine Universal Brotherhood of Peace Center (PAX), held a book signing of the newly-published Portuguese Edition, As Leis Estelares, O Caminho Da TerraEstrela.  Then, the Sacred MorningStar Bundle was carried to the Summits of Sugar Loaf and Mountain of the World’s Largest Statue of Christ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (South America). 

On November 1, 2007, Grandmother presented the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan to the 13th Council of the World Brotherhood Union (Galactic Federation), Istanbul, Turkey (Europe/Asia).  

In December 2007, Grandmother prayed with the World Peace Prayer Society Relatives at Mt. Fuji Sanctuary, in Tokyo on Pearl Harbor Day Anniversary (December 8, 2007), and with Byakko Shinko Kai, Goi Peace Foundation, Tokyo, Japan (Asia).  

In 2007 and 2008, the MorningStar Bundle was opened at solar and lunar Ceremony of the Stars on the green slopes of Haleakala Mountain, Hawai’i (Lemuria).

On August 5 2009, at the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers’ Sixth Sacred Council Fire on Siletz Nation Land by the Pacific Ocean, at the time of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Grandmother SilverStar presented 13 Sacred MorningStar Bundles to the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers of the World.  Thus, 13 Maka Wicahpi Wicohan (with the Sacred Art) and 13 Maka Wicahpi Waniyetu (Sacred 13-Moon Calendars) are going around Mother Earth to the remote homelands of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Through the Ages, Indigenous Aborigine First People have held Steadfast, have guarded the Spiritual Truth, have carried the Star Knowledge Medicine Bundle for the People and for Mother Earth.  The Original Code Carriers of Turtle Island are grateful to the PeaceLovers of Mother Earth, Wise Earth Guardians, who, for lifetimes have prayed and waited patiently for the Star Knowledge Prayer Bundle to come — Wise Brothers and Sisters of the Four Directions who are now praying in Ceremony of the Stars, hearts dedicated unto the Future Seven Generations, for the benefit of All Relations (Mitakuye Oyasin), for Mother Earth (Unci Maka), and Universe (Makasitomnia).  

Now, ALL will rise to the 11:11:11:11 frequency LOVE.  Now ALL will Awaken to Full Consciousness (Genuine Human Being).  Now is the Beginning of the GOLDEN AGE.  Earth People Wisdom Keepers know:  Mother Earth has ascended.

Relatives, the Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator come to you in a               Good Way.
Honor the Gift of The Ancient MorningStar Teachings of Creator.

Ihunktowan Dakota Oyate

Waste Wi)
Cherokee, Oglala Lakota-Ihunktowan Dakota Oyate
(Code Carriers of Turtle Island)

Grandmother SilverStar and Grandfather Standing Elk
Copyright  ©  1999 - 2013

All Rights Reserved

Susan's Note:  We are a group of people around the world who are learning the ways of the elders, and we are the new Wisdomkeepers.  We are star stuff, and yes, we are the Rainbow Warriors, the Rainbow Tribe that the Indigenous American elders have been "waiting for."

The story above is not mythology.  It is fact.

These Star People are Aboriginal Beings that are not from Earth.  They are with us, once again, to assist humanity in her birth of a New Earth, to restore harmony and peace.

Mitakuye Oyasin. Tupanachiskama.