Monday, May 12, 2014

Keeping Cosmic Company

Wisdomkeepers create Divine Union between masculine and feminine.  Divine Union is when the lover meets the beloved, the earth meets the sky, the yin meets the yang.  It is the dance of God and Goddess within our heart and soul. It is when we feel at peace within ourselves, so deeply, that we are One with All creation.

Wisdomkeepers live in right relationship with the Earth, the Sky, and all creation.

Nothing is actually separate – this is only an illusion. Everything has always been and will always be in Divine Union. It is just a matter of awakening to this truth. Even though we are immersed in the material world and its energy, at any moment we can tune into that place where we can feel our oneness with all.

Feeling Divine Union is a profound ecstasy. It’s every cell of your being vibrating in harmony with the cells of all other beings and all of creation.   In experiencing divine union in oneself, there is no more ‘I’.

Imagine that you have two lovers inside your heart – yet they have been longing and searching for each other, unable to fully merge. Perhaps you feel this in your life, whether you are in a partnership or not.  Why can’t they find each other?

There is some disconnectedness, some veil that keeps them separated yet they are so close. When these masculine and feminine aspects of our self are united in love and harmony, there is bliss and peace. There is complete alignment with the Divine. It is like retuning home.

It takes practice and meditation to keep them connected and to maintain the state of Divine Union. Even though this is our original state of being, just by the nature of the material plane we are constantly being distracted to forget and disconnect.

Energy follows thought.  It flows.  It sparks.  It supercharges and it drains.  This is Nature.  Divine Union is energy. It is a dance of colors, a harmonic convergence. It is the balance of feminine and masculine within the One Self.

Divine Union/Oneness can be experienced in infinite ways, especially through nature: meditating on a mountain, sitting in the forest in silence, listening to the bees humming or the whales singing.

Majestic Mother Earth is always giving us the opportunity to feel at one with the vast miracle of creation.

 Majestic Father Sky and the Star Nations are always asking us to climb higher.  Rise above.  Seek.  Release our burdens, lower our weapons, and climb.

   Hum with me.  Om Mani Padme Hum.

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