Saturday, May 3, 2014

Your Agenda

Cut this old map into fourths, and place a pinpoint at the middle. About 600 years ago, your great great great great great great grandmother lived there.  She was a woman around whom many mysteries and myths surround but as far as I can tell from cross
referencing history, this woman worked for her huge tribe as a record keeper or
librarian of sorts. 

According to biographies and legend, she got tired of the city life and the
continuous wars and traveled to the west to live as a hermit at the age of 80! She continued to travel north, all the time writing down the stories of her journey. She lived until she was 160!

She brought plants with her wherever she travelled.  She planted the first trees that formed the Great Forest in the Middle of the Earth!  She had many children, but they stayed in their own villages with their husbands, brothers and sisters.

She was a great friend and teacher to many people.  She taught recipes and songs and stories to the young and the old, the rich and the poor.   This is the legendary origin of the Great Song of the West. This text, in its 81 beautiful short verses, captures the essence of spirituality and humanity like no other. Some tribes say that it is one of the wisest books ever written and I very much agree. 

This work was lost during the Great Invasion but the stories, and the songs, and the recipes are still used today by those who seek traditional ways.

The philosophy of this work focused on the following concepts: emptiness, non-doing, and the return of all things to their origins. The goal of the living well was to become one with the great way, by aligning your self with the universal laws. But to achieve this, the student has to achieve emptiness and simplicity, practice non-doing, and dedicate her life to the Oneness with All Things.

The reason I am mentioning this to you is so you can remember the history of your ancestors.  They held the dream of you and your children, and programmed these truths into your DNA. 

In my journeys and adventures over the years in search of the truth, I have come to understand that there is indeed a great way, and that is encoded in our DNA.  Many of our ancestors had access to higher spiritual power, were Masters of Living Energy, and held teachings in their common ways.  Many others, who came after them, got lost, in fear, and forgot to live in this natural way.

You can call it the old ways, universal laws, archetypal patterns, natural forces or the will of God. It's your reality.  Redefine it. 

Sit now, call on your grandfathers and grandmothers.  Ask them to tell you their stories.
Sing their songs.  Unravel your DNA.  Welcome your energy home.

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