Sunday, September 20, 2015

Creator Rite : Divine Intervention



I think that by the time we finally get through this unprecedented Ascension process we are all going to be Quantum Physicists. I know some of this information is a bit overwhelming, but in order to really grasp the magnitude of what is happening on this sweet Earth the Beings of Light want us to at least contemplate some of these mind-boggling Truths. 

When we take the time to contemplate this information, we open the door for our I AM Presence to reveal to us our particular part of the unfolding Divine Plan. Then we are more easily able to fulfill our mission and the greatest need of the hour on behalf of Humanity and Mother Earth. Fortunately, without the interference of our human egos this is now going to be easier than ever before.

The reason this Ascension process is so unique is because we are not just one-by-one completing our Earthly experiences and Ascending into the Inner Realms to begin the next level of our individual learning process, as so many of our sisters and brothers have done since the inception of this Planet. 

This time every man, woman, and child on Earth is simultaneously Ascending into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of the New Earth—AND WE ARE BRINGING THE TRANSFORMED OLD EARTH AND ALL LIFE EVOLVING UPON HER WITH US!

The old Earth and our recalcitrant sisters and brothers who are still asleep can only succeed in making this monumental shift if those of us who are Awake, and abiding in the physical plane, will make the conscious decision to accept responsibility for being our sisters and brothers keepers. 

We can help exponentially by invoking the Violet Flame on behalf of ALL Humanity and transmuting the human miscreations of our fragmented human egos from every time frame and dimension both known and unknown. Then, through the Divine Alchemy of God’s Infinite Light, we can transform every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of energy within our Earthly Bodies and those of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies.

We not only have the ability to do this on behalf of Humanity, we also have permission to do this because WE ARE ONE and there is NO separation. We have reached a critical mass of Divine Love and the I AM Presence of every person on Earth has made the conscious decision to move forward in the Light. This is true whether or not the person has realized this yet on a conscious level.

All we have to say is, 

“I AM my I AM Presence 
and I AM One with the 
I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. 

The Light I invoke on behalf of myself 
I invoke on behalf 
of every person on Earth. 

I know and accept that this influx of Light 
will manifest in perfect alignment 
with every person’s Divine Plan 
and the highest good of all concerned.”

The Universe is standing in readiness awaiting the invitation to assist us in this unprecedented experiment. It is true that we are in uncharted waters, but through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth OUR VICTORY IS ASSURED!

The Company of Heaven has revealed that shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness unparalleled in the history of time have occurred since the Birth of the New Earth in December 2012. However, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth say those accomplishments will pale in comparison to the shifts we are on the verge of experiencing in the month of September 2015.

Every conceivable assistance is being given to Humanity from On High to help us accomplish our Ascension process. One of the most astounding things is the influx of Gamma Rays we have received from what scientists say was one of the biggest and hottest explosions in the Universe. 

This monumental influx of Light reached the Earth in 2014, and it is daily and hourly affecting the recalibration of our DNA. This powerful influx of Gamma Rays was the result of an explosion of a Star that took place more than 12.1 billion years ago. The Beings of Light confirmed that this Light reached Planet Earth in perfect Divine Timing. Just to give you an idea of how far away this Star was, it takes 8.17 minutes for Light from the surface of the Sun to reach the surface of the Earth.

Sometimes these astronomical numbers about time and space seem confusing to us, but we must remember that time and space only exist in the 3rd and 4th Dimensions. From the 5th Dimension and beyond, there is no such thing as time or space. In the Higher Realms of Light everything occurs in the Eternal Moment of Now.

Gamma-ray bursts are not well understood by astronomers, but they realize that they are very important because they are the most powerful explosions in the Universe. These bursts release more energy in 10 seconds than Earth’s Sun will release during its entire expected lifespan of 10 billion years. Just imagine!

The Beings of Light have revealed that Gamma Rays are instrumental in recalibrating Humanity’s DNA structures. Now that Humanity’s fragmented double helix DNA has been restored in the Realms of Cause to the 12 strands we originally had, and recalibrated to the frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light, we are ready for the monumental events that will take place in September 2015. 

These events will catapult the Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her into the highest frequencies of the New Earth we have ever experienced. According to the Company of Heaven, the anticipated influx of Gamma Rays we will receive from WAVE X will shift Humanity’s DNA in ways that will result in the most profound Awakening and return to Christ Consciousness that has ever been attempted in any System of Worlds.

As is always the case, these monumental Activities of Light will occur first in the Realms of Cause, then they will be magnetized into the world of effects which is the physical plane. This is accomplished as the Sons and Daughters of God abiding on Earth magnetize these shifts into the world of form through the Divinity within their Heart Flames. 

This means that we are not going to instantaneously experience Heaven on Earth in September 2015, but once something is secured in the Realms of Cause NOTHING can prevent it from manifesting in the world of effects. The only variable is how long that will take and that is up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity.

To grasp the full magnitude of what is occurring in September 2015 the Beings of Light want us to comprehend on a conscious level that this will involve the shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness of every single atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life evolving this Planet. 

Even the most minute subatomic particle has Divine Intelligence and serves an important purpose.  For instance, the top quark is one of the smallest indivisible units of heavy matter. This tiny particle is an important building block of all manifest form even though the top quark is smaller than a trillionth of the width of a human hair and exists for only a trillionth of a trillionth of a second. That is not a typo!

The Beings of Light keep reiterating how vital it is that we expand our awareness to realize that everything is alive and has a degree of intelligence and consciousness. They have assured us that this realization will quickly shift the perception of the masses into the acceptance of the Oneness of All Life, which will in turn precipitate Humanity’s Reverence for All Life.

As Humanity continues to Awaken into a higher level of Christ Consciousness, much that we have taken for granted in the World is being revealed as inaccurate. This is causing confusion and much controversy in the various fields of science. For centuries science has used the limited left-brain approach of observing nature and the Universe objectively and then making logical assumptions based on empirical evidence. Now, however, as we move into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Frequencies of the New Earth that must change.

Through the newly Awakened state of Christ Consciousness, Humanity en masse is at long last moving away from the dominance of our mind and our fragmented left-brain thinking. With the assistance of our I AM Presence, we are finally balancing our intellect with the Love nature of our heart and our right-brain’s creative and intuitive capabilities. 

This transformation is creating an entirely new process for assimilating information that expands our awareness from the limitations of the dense 3rd-dimensional plane into the multidimensional and multifaceted reality where each and every one of us actually abides.

Now, at long last, instead of being controlled by all of the layers of distorted human thought which were derived from our manipulative human egos after the fall—conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind—our I AM Presence is taking command. 

Through our newly balanced right- and left-brain hemispheres, the unification of our hearts and minds, and our newly activated 12 Solar Strands of 5th-Dimensional DNA, we are now able to assimilate information directly through the Divinity of our Super Conscious Mind which is our I AM Presence.

Awakened Humanity will now, en masse, begin perceiving everything as Divine Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness whether it is something in our daily lives or coming to us from dimensions beyond. As we assimilate our shift into Christ Consciousness day by day, unimpeded by our fear-based human egos, we will become tangibly aware of this profound Truth in our meditations and in our everyday life experiences. 

The miraculous catalyst for this profound transformation is happening NOW!

On September 12-13, 2015, we will experience the beginning of our first Eclipse series without the interference of our human egos. This will be a powerful partial Solar Eclipse that will greatly assist the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth to assimilate the miraculous changes that we have been blessed with so far in 2015.

On September 22-23, 2015, which is the September Equinox, we will intensify the influx of Light from the New Moon Solar Eclipse and secure it into the Core of Purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth.

The effects of that Activity of Light will build in momentum until September 27-28, 2015, when we will experience not only an incredibly powerful influx of Light from a total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, but a life-transforming influx of Light from a Celestial Event referred to as WAVE X, or The Event Horizon. This is a Celestial opportunity that we have not been able to benefit from since our fall from Grace.

On September 28, 2015, we will receive a crescendo of Gamma Ray Light from the Galactic Core. This is a rhythmic pulsation of Light that blesses our Solar System every 3,600 years with the Divine Intent of raising the consciousness of Sons and Daughters of God and accelerating the evolution of our Solar System. Even though this wondrous Gift of Light from On High has been available every 3,600 years, since our tragic fall from Grace the Earth and Humanity have been vibrating at a discordant frequency that was unable to receive or assimilate the benefits of these Gamma Rays. 


The Company of Heaven has confirmed that with the miraculous changes that have taken place at an atomic cellular level within Humanity and all Life on Earth since the Birth of the New Earth, Humanity is finally able to receive and assimilate these powerful Gamma Rays from the Galactic Core. For several weeks, the effects of these Gamma Rays have been gradually building in momentum. In fact, they were instrumental in assisting Humanity and the Company of Heaven to fulfill the monumental events that were accomplished at the 29th Annual World Congress on Illumination in August.

This influx of Gamma Rays will reach their peak in the midst of a total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. The influx of Light from the Full Moon Eclipse will stabilize the Water Element which composes 80% of the entire Elemental Kingdom and sustains the Emotional Bodies of Humanity. The Water Element is also the Divine Intelligence through which the Love Nature of our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, is tangibly manifest in the world of form.

In preparation for this Cosmic influx of Gamma Rays, the Company of Heaven want us to grasp the magnitude of this opportunity by revealing the following information. Due to the life-transforming Activities of Light that have been successfully accomplished through the unified efforts of millions of Lightworkers around the World, the Earth and ALL her Life are now on the brink of a miraculous Transfiguration.

On September 27-28, 2015, through every person’s I AM Presence, Humanity en masse is going to receive the full power and might of the myriad Gamma Rays we have missed from this rhythmic 3,600 year Gift from On High, back to the initial impulse of the fall. This has never been done before and no one knows how it will manifest for each of us individually, but KNOW the results will ONLY enhance our lives and our Ascension process.

The Mighty Elohim have assured us that the Earthly Bodies of ALL Humanity and the Bodies of Mother Earth are now vibrating at a frequency that is ready and able to withstand this influx of Gamma Rays and that this will occur in perfect Divine Order. This is a Cosmic Moment beyond anything that has ever occurred for the Sons and Daughters of God. Be at Peace and Be Here NOW!

Your I AM Presence knows exactly how you can best experience this wondrous opportunity. Go within, ask for guidance, and your I AM Presence will guide you unerringly through this process. 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Starkeepers : Codes of Light : Sacred Medicine Bundle

We are the ones we have been waiting for.  

Sacred Bundle

The MorningStar Teachings of Creator Again Return Unto the Land.”  
~ One Eye (Ista Wanzi)

The Star Nation Elders (Wicahpi Oyate) of the Universes (seen and unseen) have opened a Doorway, are reaching out to Earth Children, handing us a Gift.

Earth Children, open your hearts, receive the Sacred Star Knowledge Bundle of Creator.  It is a Divine Way to live.”  

The Sacred Star Knowledge Bundle (MorningStar Teachings of Creator) has opened to awaken You, to help You remember.  You are connected to All.

The Sacred Star Knowledge Bundle is a 52,000-year old Universal and Spiritual Star Language known to the Indigenous Aborigine First People of Grandmother Turtle Island (North America) as the MorningStar Teachings of Creator.  

Hidden for thousands of years, now, in a sacred manner (through Dream and Vision), the Star Elders (Wicahpi Oyate) of the Universes (Makasitomnia) (seen and unseen) have again sent the (Codes) to the Earth Children.  Given through the Sacred Ceremonies of the Indigenous Earth People of Grandmother Turtle Island (for All People), these Words reconnect our Hearts to Creator and to Mother Earth.  Awakened, we shift to The Earth Way — Balance, Respect, and Love for All.  

Guided by Spirit (Tunkasila na Unci), Grandfather Standing Elk (Tunkasila Hehaka Inazin) and Grandmother SilverStar (Mazaska Wicahpi Waste Wi), Original Code Carriers of Turtle Island, came together in Sacred Ceremony with many Earth Elders and listened to the Spirit Grandmothers and Grandfathers (Unci na Tunkasila).  They received (and released to the People) the Spiritual Understandings of the Sacred Star Language, the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan, that anchors the encoded stellar energies for all life on Earth.  

In 1993, Cherokee-Lakota Grandmother SilverStar, Mazaska Wicahpi Waste Wi, was praying in the desert.  After seven days, the Old Ones, Star People (Wicahpi Oyate), visited Grandmother with a Vision of many symbols.  She returned home to the Ozark Mountains, and in the Old Way, held the Vision in the Silence.  

Then, in the Spring of 1996, the Spirits guided Grandmother SilverStar to begin a Spiritual Walk in the Four Directions.  In the Summer, she traveled from the Ozark Mountains up the Missouri River to Greenwood, South Dakota, to pray at the Sacred Sundance (Wiwanyag Wacipi) of the Yankton Sioux (Ihunktowan Oyate).  There, on Sacred Ground, she joined her brothers Buffalo Man, Tatanka Wicasa, Tsalagi-Lakota Oyate (Cherokee-Lakota Sioux Nations) and Standing Elk, Hehaka InazinNakota Ihunktowan Oyate (Nakota Yankton Sioux Nation) and learned that, for many years, the Star People (Wicahpi Oyate) had visited Standing Elk.

On a cold winter day in 1995, on a Mountain in Wyoming, Grandfather Standing Elk, Tunkasila Hehaka Inazin, was praying during a four-day fast, Hanbdeciya.  He was praying for a blessing and for direction through a Star Altar, Hehaka Wicohan, the Elk Way of the Canupa Wakan, the Sacred Pipe.  Later that night, Grandfather was visited in the Dreamtime by four, tall, metallic-speaking Orion Star People, Wicahpi Oyate, who showed him a bar with symbolic writings.  Receiving instructions telepathically, Grandfather Standing Elk began a journey that to this day is just beginning.

Grandfather Standing Elk, understanding that the star symbols’ interpretation was far incomplete, sought further inspiration from his Vision with the Orions.  As a Dakota Spiritual Advisor, he understood that the Dream was to be interpreted in a sacred manner.  Following the 16,000-year old Teachings of White Buffalo Calf Woman, Pte San Cigana Waste Winyan, he sought spiritual interpretation of the Symbols through ceremony with the Sacred Pipe, Canupa Wakan Wicohan.  

Returning to South Dakota, Grandfather Standing Elk began a series of ceremonies utilizing the Sun Dance Altar of his grandson Deer Man, Tahca Wicasa (Ihunktowan Oyate) and the Inipi (sweat lodge), one of the Seven Sacred Rites of White Buffalo Calf Woman, Pte San Cigana Waste Winyan.  Soon, a spirit teacher named Ista Wanzi, One Eye, emerged from the inner worlds to interpret, one by one, ceremony by ceremony, 11 Universal and 11 Spiritual Laws of Creator — grounding our understanding through a name and a basic understanding.  The teachings from these ceremonies were the beginning of the writings of Maka Wicahpi Wicohan.  

Grandfather Standing Elk knew that the Spiritual Knowledge of the Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Tunkasila na Unci, given in sacred ceremony was to be shared with the Brothers and Sisters of the Four Directions.  In June 1996, he called in strong Red Nation Elders, Ikce Wicasa, of Grandmother Turtle Island (North America) to Wagner, South Dakota, to share the Earth and Star Ways with the People, to help future generations REMEMBER the Way of Living in Balance with Mother Earth.  Red Nation Earth Elders and Earth Peoples of all Lands felt Spirit’s call.  Peoples of Grandmother Turtle Island (North America), Central America, South America (Heart Island), People of Italy, Denmark, the Philippines, and Australia (BlackWhiteYellowRed Nations) camped together on the Prairie under the Stars . . . and listened . . . listened to the Elders of Turtle Island teach the Ancient Star Knowledge.

At this first International Star Knowledge Conference in Wagner, South Dakota, on June 16, 1996, on the closing day of the Star Family Gathering, on New Moon, the day of a 13,000-year Star Alignment, Grandfather Standing Elk, Tunkasila Hehaka Inazin released the 22 Star Laws of Creator (the 11:11 Ascension Codes), revealing the 52,000-year old Universal and Spiritual Star Laws through name and a brief interpretation.  He then put out a call for further interpretation to fully ground the Universal and Spiritual Teachings, and Grandmother SilverStar returned to her ancient Lakota homeland on the Missouri River to join in ceremony.  

Later in the fall of 1996, Spirit-guided by Dream and Vision, Grandfather and Grandmother (Original Code Carriers of Turtle Island) and several spiritual teachers held ceremonies through Canupa Wicohan (the Way of the Sacred Pipe), to bring through the Spirit Grandmothers and Grandfathers, to pray, listen, record, write, and compile the Sacred Messages (dictated text) word for word, and to finish by the end of the year.

On October 15, 1996, on the third day following an eclipse of the Sun, the ceremonies began.  Through the Canupa Wakan Wicohan (Way of the Sacred Pipe) in Ceremony with the Stars, Grandfather Standing Elk prayed for an understanding of the first symbol, Universal Law of Free Will.  Three Spirit Guardians came — Makasitomnia (Holy Ones of Mother Earth), Wicahpi Oyate, (Star Nations), and Gapipilla Oyate (Ascended Masters), dictating three Sacred Messages, opening the Doorways of the Universal Law of Free Will, anchoring the first Star Law Message on Earth.

For “two moons and a little walk,” the ceremonies continued.  Following spiritual protocol, the elders received the dictated text, wrote the Sacred Messages (Spiritual Interpretations) word by word, opening “Doorways to Dimensions of Light, to other Planes of Existence,” and instilling the Light on Earth.  

On December 28, 1996, as instructed by the Unci na Tunkasila, Grandmothers and Grandfathers, the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan ceremonies were completed by the end of the year.  The MorningStar Teachings of Creator again return unto the Land.”  

Grandfather Standing Elk wrote, “The messages of these Sacred Ceremonies came to represent the Galactic Federation’s outreach to Earth’s Peoples.  Approximately 70 spirit helpers of Earth, Stars, and Ascended Masters extended their influence to Earth’s Kingdoms through the 11:11 Universal and Spiritual Laws, and thus created the doorway of the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan for the People and all the Relations.”

Later that winter, Standing Elk’s brother, Dakota Artist They Came and Blessed His Pipe Man, Ta Canupa Yuwakanpi Wicasa, (Ihunktowan Oyate) (seventh son of Dakota Artist Chief Black Spotted Horse (Sungdeska Sapa Itancan) and Beautiful Sundance Woman (Wiwayag Waci Waste Win) answered Spirit’s call to create the visual interpretation of the 11:11 Messages.  Guided by the Tunkasilas (Spirit Grandmothers and Grandfathers) They Came and Blessed His Pipe Man sat praying with the Star Symbols during the Time of the Snows and composed the Sacred Art.

Then, Grandfather Standing Elk prayed for an understanding of the Thirteen Moon Way.  In 1999, the third day following a Lunar Eclipse, the Star Nation Elders answered, giving the 13-Moon EarthStar Winter Count, Maka Wicahpi WaniyetuUniversal and Spiritual Laws of Creator in Day by Day Living.  In rhythm with Earth, Moon, Sun, Stars, All Relations, the EarthStar Sacred Timekeeping Way, anchors the Light of the Sacred Star Laws of Creator on Earth.  Day by day in Cosmic Time cycles, utilizing the Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator in Ceremony of the Stars, Two-Leggeds co-create multi-dimensionally (with all Beings) and awaken our human DNA light encodings — the Light of our Heart.  Thus, we live in step with the Heavens.

By 1999, through the Way of the Sacred Pipe, three books were compiled:  The Way of the EarthStar, Maka Wicahpi WicohanUniversal and Spiritual Laws of Creator; The Way of the MorningStar, Anpao Wicahpi Wicohan; and The Way of the StarSpider, Iktomi Wicahpi Wicohan, Universal and Spiritual Laws of Universal Mother.  

From the first Star Knowledge Gathering in June 1996 (13,000-year alignment of the Milky Way Galaxy and the Great Central Sun), conscious of the Mission, guided by Spirit (Tunkasilas), Original Code Carriers of Turtle Island Grandfather Standing Elk and Grandmother SilverStar, and a strong circle of Spiritual Teachers held 13 Star Knowledge Gatherings, completing on November 11, 2000.  

To this day, Spiritual Teachers walk the Land and Pray, traveling Grandmother Turtle Island (Unci Keya), the Americas, and Mother Earth (Unci Maka), sharing the Star Knowledge Bundle, enlightening the People, instilling the Light on Earth.  

O sa da dv.  Mitakuye Oyasin.  

GRANDFATHER STANDING ELK (Tunkasila Hehaka InazinNakota Band, Ihunktowan Oyate (Yankton Sioux)  

GRANDMOTHER SILVERSTAR (Mazaska Wicahpi Waste Wi, No-tlv-si A-de-lv U-ne-ga Wi-li-sa Di-na-ne, Hee-do-ka.  Tsalagi Ani Wa-ya, Oglala Lakota, Ihunktowan Nakota, Tsetsehestehese, Ayisiniwok --Cherokee, Oglala Lakota, Yankton Dakota Sioux, Cheyenne, Cree).  

November 2009
  For 13 years, Grandfather Standing Elk/Golden Eagle/Chief Black Spotted Horse and Grandmother SilverStar and many Spiritual Teachers have walked the Land and Prayed, carrying the Star Knowledge Medicine Bundle (Codes) to help enlighten the Relatives and ground the Light of the Star Laws on Turtle Island, the Americas, and Mother Earth.  Grandmother and Grandfather, Original Code Carriers of Turtle Island, are grateful to the dedicated  PeaceLovers of Mother Earth.

On September 26, 1999, the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan was presented to the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of the American Indian in conjunction with the Groundbreaking Ceremonies in Washington, D.C.  At the Cultural Resource Center of the National Museum of the American Indian, standing beside a Sacred Pine Tree (that three Peruvian Elders had ceremonially blessed and planted moments before), Grandmother SilverStar sang Sacred Dakota Star Songs and presented the Star Knowledge Bundle Maka Wicahpi Wicohan, Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator, Star Law Manual of the Galactic Federation to Cheyenne Elder George Horse Capture.  

On September 22, 2002, Grandfather Standing Elk-Golden Eagle donated the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan to the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) Edgar Cayce Library, Virginia Beach, Virginia.  

In September 2002, Grandmother SilverStar carried the Star Laws Bundle to the Ancient Mayan Temples of Chichen Itza and Dzilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico (Central America).  In the Fall of 2003, for 28 days Grandmother held Ceremony of the Stars with the Brothers and Sisters of St. Germaine’s Universal Brotherhood of Peace Center (PAX), Sao Paulo, Brazil (South America).  

At Summer Solstice 2004, the Star Bundle crossed the Pacific Ocean to Oshima Island (Turtle Island of Japan), to Tokyo Goi Peace Foundation, to Mt. Fuji World Peace Prayer Society Sanctuary, to Hokaido Indigenous Ainu Grandmother Shaman at World Peace Prayer Day, and to Dr. Masaru Emoto (Hado Golden Water Crystal Grandfather) in Tokyo, Japan (Asia).  

In the Fall of 2004, in Ceremony of the Stars, the Light of the Sacred Bundle was anchored through a visioned handmade Sacred Star Shawl (with 28 Pairs of Star Symbols) that Grandmother wore in the Opening Procession of the Grand Opening of the National Museum of the American Indian, Washington, D.C., USA.  Then, at Moon of the Bear, the Star Knowledge Bundle was opened again for Ceremony of the Stars at St. Germaine’s Peace Center, Fraternidade Universalis PAXUniversal Brotherhood of Peace Center (PAX), Sao Paulo, Brazil.  

From 2005 through 2007, at the Ancient Intertribal Council Ground of Turtle Island, the Star Knowledge Circle of the Heart of the Dove held continuous new Moon and full Moon 11:11 Ceremony of the Stars, anchoring the Teachings of the MorningStar in the Heart of Turtle Island.  In the same ancient rhythm, the Unami (Turtle Clan) Star Knowledge Circle anchored Moon Ceremonies in the Land of the Lenapi Lenni (Original Delaware People Land).  

At Summer Solstice 2006, Grandmother SilverStar traveled with Japanese Indigenous Ainu Grandmother Shaman Ashili Rera in the Canyon Lands of Turtle Island.  For 11 days, the Grandmothers walked the land and prayed, opening the StarLight Code Bundle in 7 ceremonies for Mother Earth.  In 2006, the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan — As Leis Estelares, O Caminho Da TerraEstrela — was published in Portuguese in Brazil.  

In February 2007, Grandmother presented the Star Knowledge Bundle to Star Elder Janez Drnovsek, President of Slovenia (Europe).  Then, the Sacred MorningStar Teachings of Creator traveled through Vienna, Austria, to the Arabian Peninsula to three Women’s Colleges in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, United Arab Emirates.  At Full Moon of the Whale Total Lunar Eclipse, Grandmother presented the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan to Sheik Nahian, Minister of Education, United Arab Emirates (Middle East).  

At Fall Equinox 2007, Grandmother visited the Indigenous Guarani People of Brazil.  The St. Germaine Universal Brotherhood of Peace Center (PAX), held a book signing of the newly-published Portuguese Edition, As Leis Estelares, O Caminho Da TerraEstrela.  Then, the Sacred MorningStar Bundle was carried to the Summits of Sugar Loaf and Mountain of the World’s Largest Statue of Christ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (South America). 

On November 1, 2007, Grandmother presented the Maka Wicahpi Wicohan to the 13th Council of the World Brotherhood Union (Galactic Federation), Istanbul, Turkey (Europe/Asia).  

In December 2007, Grandmother prayed with the World Peace Prayer Society Relatives at Mt. Fuji Sanctuary, in Tokyo on Pearl Harbor Day Anniversary (December 8, 2007), and with Byakko Shinko Kai, Goi Peace Foundation, Tokyo, Japan (Asia).  

In 2007 and 2008, the MorningStar Bundle was opened at solar and lunar Ceremony of the Stars on the green slopes of Haleakala Mountain, Hawai’i (Lemuria).

On August 5 2009, at the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers’ Sixth Sacred Council Fire on Siletz Nation Land by the Pacific Ocean, at the time of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Grandmother SilverStar presented 13 Sacred MorningStar Bundles to the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers of the World.  Thus, 13 Maka Wicahpi Wicohan (with the Sacred Art) and 13 Maka Wicahpi Waniyetu (Sacred 13-Moon Calendars) are going around Mother Earth to the remote homelands of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Through the Ages, Indigenous Aborigine First People have held Steadfast, have guarded the Spiritual Truth, have carried the Star Knowledge Medicine Bundle for the People and for Mother Earth.  The Original Code Carriers of Turtle Island are grateful to the PeaceLovers of Mother Earth, Wise Earth Guardians, who, for lifetimes have prayed and waited patiently for the Star Knowledge Prayer Bundle to come — Wise Brothers and Sisters of the Four Directions who are now praying in Ceremony of the Stars, hearts dedicated unto the Future Seven Generations, for the benefit of All Relations (Mitakuye Oyasin), for Mother Earth (Unci Maka), and Universe (Makasitomnia).  

Now, ALL will rise to the 11:11:11:11 frequency LOVE.  Now ALL will Awaken to Full Consciousness (Genuine Human Being).  Now is the Beginning of the GOLDEN AGE.  Earth People Wisdom Keepers know:  Mother Earth has ascended.

Relatives, the Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator come to you in a               Good Way.
Honor the Gift of The Ancient MorningStar Teachings of Creator.

Ihunktowan Dakota Oyate

Waste Wi)
Cherokee, Oglala Lakota-Ihunktowan Dakota Oyate
(Code Carriers of Turtle Island)

Grandmother SilverStar and Grandfather Standing Elk
Copyright  ©  1999 - 2013

All Rights Reserved

Susan's Note:  We are a group of people around the world who are learning the ways of the elders, and we are the new Wisdomkeepers.  We are star stuff, and yes, we are the Rainbow Warriors, the Rainbow Tribe that the Indigenous American elders have been "waiting for."

The story above is not mythology.  It is fact.

These Star People are Aboriginal Beings that are not from Earth.  They are with us, once again, to assist humanity in her birth of a New Earth, to restore harmony and peace.

Mitakuye Oyasin. Tupanachiskama.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Earthkeepers : Angels Among Us

Earthkeepers, Apukuna, and Paq'os

The Q'ero tribe lives within two remote regions in the Peruvian Andes.  When the Spanish invaded, it is said, with the help of the Apukuna (the plural of Apu), they created an earthquake and rockslide to encumber the Spaniards' camps, sending them away from this region.

These medicine people had been guided by Apukuna  and Earthkeepers.  The Apu is the mountain.  They are the mountain, not the spirit of the mountain, and in traditional history, have energy and intelligence accessible to humans who make the pilgrimage to these holy places with the intention to serve the Earth.

Many mystics and prophets have had divine contact when they journey to their holy mountain.

There are also light beings that serve humanity.  In the Andes and the Amazon, they are known as the Laika, which means "wearer of light."

Are the Laika angelic beings, or are they humans?

They are angelic beings, intelligent ancestors, who can take many forms, including human.  However, it is not their intention to come down here and do our work.  When seen, they are often described as being as "tall as trees."  They are also referred to as Earthkeepers.

The Laika are here to teach us how to rewrite our stories about our lives, to do what the shamans call “dreaming the world into being.  They are available to us when we come forward as holy men and women, to a sacred place.

For the Q'ero, the men and women who have had divine contact, or, who have been chosen to serve, are called Paq'o Andino.  The word Paq'o roughly translates to "mystic," and it connotes that this person is a healer and teacher.

Paq'os seem to have the ability to determine where we are "at" spiritually,  and help us move a little further down the path. It is, in essence, not about beliefs, not about ideology, it is about ability.  Paq'os have been called shaman, but not all Paq'os are shaman.  Many Paq'os are teachers, people who inspire us to be our truth and find wholeness.  You are here; you are Paq'os.

A shaman is someone who has the spiritual contacts, the ability to work with the luminous energy field, and is overshadowed by their "Laika."  So, in many ways, we are studying and practicing to stay in direct contact with Spirit, and in many ways, we are.  It is more appropriate for us to call ourselves Paq'os, because there are extreme and varied challenges a shaman must face.

Paq'os advance in rank not by what they believe, but by what they can do. A paq'o told of the 'test' he had to pass to be considered a higher level paq'o, he had to use a type of divination involving the casting of coca leaves to discover where a missing alpaca was.

After hours of struggling with the task he announced that the alpaca's body could be found in a specific ravine a several hours walk away. When the party traveled there and found the alpaca it was announced that he had passed the test.

When my teacher, Alberto, took us to a remote temple to have a ceremony with a high level paq'o, they disappeared for a while.  He later told us that even though the paq'o had a great reputation, I had to 'prove'  that he was ready for me. I have no idea what that proof involved, but it is a safe bet that it didn't involve words.

First, the elder Q'ero, Don Francisco Chura Flores, took a walk with me.  I walked with him, and between English, Spanish and Quechua, we started to talk. He started with Sachamama, the snake that sits at the South of the Medicine Wheel. There were times we just walked, but I felt that he was reading me, and talking with me.  At the end of the walk, I was able to tell him the names of the animal spirits that guard the four directions.

Later, I sat at the ceremony but saw that our tribal leader and translator wasn't there.  Don Francisco motioned to me to translate the ceremony to our group - from Quechua, and the occasional Spanish, to English.

It wasn't until today, writing this, that I realize the lesson, and the gift.

The Lineage

The Laika are a living energy ancestry, and they inform our DNA, our mental impressions, our energetic experiences on all levels, and all bodies.  They are guardians that work closely with Wisdomkeepers to continue the traditions of Spirit Medicine.  As you are initiated into a lineage of Wisdomkeepers, the Laika are available for your personal growth.  You will notice that you also keep company with Paq'os and shamans.  This is how we advance in skills.

The Laika have been known as a tribe of Peruvian Andean shaman.  This is a good "Wikipedia" answer to that question. 

What is your concept of "angel,"  "angelic being,"  "wearer of light,"  "apu," or "ascended being?"

These ancient Inka realized that this knowledge about our capacity to manifest our dreams is tremendously powerful, and could be easily abused by those lacking ethics. 

Nevertheless, these devoted Wisdomkeepers recognized that these insights belong to all people on the planet, not just to the Inka. 

Shamanic teachings show us how to rewrite our stories about our lives, to do what the shamans call “dreaming the world into being.”

The Four Insights

The wisdom of the Laika Shamanic Teachings consists of Four Insights, each of which has four practices that allow us to move beyond mere understanding to actually experiencing shifts in perception that help us transform ourselves and our world.

Insight 1: The Way of the Hero
Practices: Non-judgment, Non-suffering, Non-attachment, Beauty

Insight 2: The Way of the Luminous Warrior
Practices: Fearlessness, Non-doing, Certainty, Non-engagement

Insight 3: The Way of the Seer
Practices: Beginner’s Mind, Living Consequently, Transparency, Integrity

Insight 4: The Way of the Sage
Practices: Mastering Time and Keeping a Secret from Yourself, Owning Your Projections, No-mind, Indigenous Alchemy

Through the Four Insights, you’ll learn that there’s a spiritual solution
to every problem you encounter in the physical world,
in your mind, and in your soul.

You’ll learn that you can’t eliminate scarcity in your life by getting another job. You can’t heal feelings of abandonment or anger by understanding your childhood wounds. You can only fix these problems at the level above the one in which they were created.

When we shift from one level of perception up to the next, we retain our ability to function at the lower realm, but we still retain that wider view of what we’re experiencing. Einstein said, “Problems can not be solved at the level at which they were created.” 

Being able to shift to a higher realm of perception can help us to find solutions to our problems, resolve conflicts, heal disease, and experience oneness with all of creation when, before, we were experiencing distress and separation.

If you want to begin living your life differently and perceiving your experiences through new eyes, it’s important to go beyond mere understanding of the insights and actually follow their practices.

The Wisdom, Power, and Grace of the Earthkeeper makes up the physical universe at a much higher level.

"For the shaman, the supernatural world does not exist. There is only the natural world, which has a visible and an invisible dimension." 

All creation—humans, whales, and even stars—is made from light manifest through the power of intention. The Earthkeepers mastered these, and used them to heal disease, eliminate emotional suffering, and even grow new bodies that age and heal differently.

Mastery of these insights allows you to reinform your DNA and participate consciously in your biological, emotional, and spiritual evolution. According to the prophecies of the Maya, Hopi, and Inka Earthkeepers, we’re at a turning point in human history, when a new species of human will give birth to itself. We’re going to take a quantum leap into what we’re becoming and will no longer be Homo sapiens but Homo luminouos. 

The teachings, and the transmission rites, reveal ancient technologies we can practice for becoming beings of light with the ability to perceive the energy and vibration.  

This comes with love.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Wisdomkeepers : You Have arrived at Your Destination...GPS is no longer necessary

In this rite, we celebrate that we have crossed the DNA bridge and been able to access our blueprints from ancestry.  We are able to pluck out the sections that contain patterns of disease on physical levels (heart disease, cancer, pain..) mental conditions (bi-polar, depression...) emotional suffering (rage, hatred, lack and limitation, self-denial..) and spiritual disease (guilt, shame, feelings that we are bad, have sins, or are not loved unconditionally by Creator.)

We are able to walk in the light.  The illumination process has been a long time in coming.  We can devote our lives fully to a life of service, which includes the celebration of all life.  We literally become people who "live their dreams."

Imagine this scenario:  Wake up and listen to birds singing.  Pray.  Walk outside and meditate for 15 minutes.  Breathe deeply and ask, "What is the greatest contribution I can make today for myself and my family."  

Do that, with ease, joy and glory.  Enjoy every moment of that.  Find ways to bring joy and peace and ease to others.  Play in ways that nourish you.  Eat organic, fresh, nutrient-dense foods.  Sleep.  Repeat.  

What is your dream for self?  To be the greatest songwriter?  Teacher? Horticulturist?  Parent?  What are your hopes, yet to fulfill?  Learn a new language?  Salsa dancing?  Find someone to love today?

Write down the verbs that describe your day.  How many of them include non-doing :  Wake.  Breathe.  Ask.  Sit for 15 minutes in silent meditation.  Sleep.  

Eternal One

Help me to awaken, to liberate myself and be comprehensively realized as I journey through earthly planes, and mountains and unfamiliar waters; as I walk in the universes of creation.

Deliver me through my experience to be the Truth that lies beyond separation and limitation as I reciprocate with unconditional courage, integrity, forgiveness and trust.

Open the Sacred Way for all to walk in the Light and live a life of impeccable beauty and Love,

On Earth as One


Balancing the masculine energies require a level of acceptance that there are feminine energies.  That we have two sides to our nature - a soft side that wants to travel slowly and rhythmically along, experiencing sights and sounds and colors, and a hard side that gets things done fast.  Straight to the point.  Boom. Drop the mike.  

The left side is feminine, and the right side is masculine (which is opposite in the brain, as it cross references.  Left side of brain controls right side of body and language, logic and critical thinking.  The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and helps with recognizing faces, color, emotions, intuition and creativity.

In this exercise, we balance light and energy on both sides.  You can sit or stand for this.  

With your left hand, palm up, and your right hand over it, imagine you're holding a silver energy ball.  Use your little finger to ascertain the edges of the ball as you rotate your right hand over left, clockwise.  Do this 26 times, watching as the silver light gets brighter.  Silver is the feminine essence of the moon. Your right hand moves over the surface of the ball, sensing the shape, and slowing moving both hands to center.

Now, take your hands to the right side, right palm under left palm, and rotate the energy ball counterclockwise, using your little finger to feel the edges of the ball.

Do this 26 times as you move towards center. 

Rotate your hands to the right side, right palm holding ball underneath, and left palm on top.  Rotate 26 times counterclockwise, as your little finger senses the energy of the ball. This is the golden essence of sun, the masculine energy.   Move towards center.

Once you are at center, move your hands facing each other, still holding the energy ball, and begin to rotate your hands like a wheel turning, right first, then left, as if you were showing a child how a train wheel rotates.  26 times.

The energy is blended together.

Now, with the base of your palms together, imagine a sun within your palms as you hold this position under your chin, face upwards, deep breathing.  Now, fully stretch your palms up, and open your to the heavens, face upwards.

Practice daily.