Sunday, June 28, 2015

Wisdomkeepers : You Have arrived at Your Destination...GPS is no longer necessary

In this rite, we celebrate that we have crossed the DNA bridge and been able to access our blueprints from ancestry.  We are able to pluck out the sections that contain patterns of disease on physical levels (heart disease, cancer, pain..) mental conditions (bi-polar, depression...) emotional suffering (rage, hatred, lack and limitation, self-denial..) and spiritual disease (guilt, shame, feelings that we are bad, have sins, or are not loved unconditionally by Creator.)

We are able to walk in the light.  The illumination process has been a long time in coming.  We can devote our lives fully to a life of service, which includes the celebration of all life.  We literally become people who "live their dreams."

Imagine this scenario:  Wake up and listen to birds singing.  Pray.  Walk outside and meditate for 15 minutes.  Breathe deeply and ask, "What is the greatest contribution I can make today for myself and my family."  

Do that, with ease, joy and glory.  Enjoy every moment of that.  Find ways to bring joy and peace and ease to others.  Play in ways that nourish you.  Eat organic, fresh, nutrient-dense foods.  Sleep.  Repeat.  

What is your dream for self?  To be the greatest songwriter?  Teacher? Horticulturist?  Parent?  What are your hopes, yet to fulfill?  Learn a new language?  Salsa dancing?  Find someone to love today?

Write down the verbs that describe your day.  How many of them include non-doing :  Wake.  Breathe.  Ask.  Sit for 15 minutes in silent meditation.  Sleep.  

Eternal One

Help me to awaken, to liberate myself and be comprehensively realized as I journey through earthly planes, and mountains and unfamiliar waters; as I walk in the universes of creation.

Deliver me through my experience to be the Truth that lies beyond separation and limitation as I reciprocate with unconditional courage, integrity, forgiveness and trust.

Open the Sacred Way for all to walk in the Light and live a life of impeccable beauty and Love,

On Earth as One


Balancing the masculine energies require a level of acceptance that there are feminine energies.  That we have two sides to our nature - a soft side that wants to travel slowly and rhythmically along, experiencing sights and sounds and colors, and a hard side that gets things done fast.  Straight to the point.  Boom. Drop the mike.  

The left side is feminine, and the right side is masculine (which is opposite in the brain, as it cross references.  Left side of brain controls right side of body and language, logic and critical thinking.  The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and helps with recognizing faces, color, emotions, intuition and creativity.

In this exercise, we balance light and energy on both sides.  You can sit or stand for this.  

With your left hand, palm up, and your right hand over it, imagine you're holding a silver energy ball.  Use your little finger to ascertain the edges of the ball as you rotate your right hand over left, clockwise.  Do this 26 times, watching as the silver light gets brighter.  Silver is the feminine essence of the moon. Your right hand moves over the surface of the ball, sensing the shape, and slowing moving both hands to center.

Now, take your hands to the right side, right palm under left palm, and rotate the energy ball counterclockwise, using your little finger to feel the edges of the ball.

Do this 26 times as you move towards center. 

Rotate your hands to the right side, right palm holding ball underneath, and left palm on top.  Rotate 26 times counterclockwise, as your little finger senses the energy of the ball. This is the golden essence of sun, the masculine energy.   Move towards center.

Once you are at center, move your hands facing each other, still holding the energy ball, and begin to rotate your hands like a wheel turning, right first, then left, as if you were showing a child how a train wheel rotates.  26 times.

The energy is blended together.

Now, with the base of your palms together, imagine a sun within your palms as you hold this position under your chin, face upwards, deep breathing.  Now, fully stretch your palms up, and open your to the heavens, face upwards.

Practice daily.

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