Sunday, July 19, 2015

Earthkeepers : Angels Among Us

Earthkeepers, Apukuna, and Paq'os

The Q'ero tribe lives within two remote regions in the Peruvian Andes.  When the Spanish invaded, it is said, with the help of the Apukuna (the plural of Apu), they created an earthquake and rockslide to encumber the Spaniards' camps, sending them away from this region.

These medicine people had been guided by Apukuna  and Earthkeepers.  The Apu is the mountain.  They are the mountain, not the spirit of the mountain, and in traditional history, have energy and intelligence accessible to humans who make the pilgrimage to these holy places with the intention to serve the Earth.

Many mystics and prophets have had divine contact when they journey to their holy mountain.

There are also light beings that serve humanity.  In the Andes and the Amazon, they are known as the Laika, which means "wearer of light."

Are the Laika angelic beings, or are they humans?

They are angelic beings, intelligent ancestors, who can take many forms, including human.  However, it is not their intention to come down here and do our work.  When seen, they are often described as being as "tall as trees."  They are also referred to as Earthkeepers.

The Laika are here to teach us how to rewrite our stories about our lives, to do what the shamans call “dreaming the world into being.  They are available to us when we come forward as holy men and women, to a sacred place.

For the Q'ero, the men and women who have had divine contact, or, who have been chosen to serve, are called Paq'o Andino.  The word Paq'o roughly translates to "mystic," and it connotes that this person is a healer and teacher.

Paq'os seem to have the ability to determine where we are "at" spiritually,  and help us move a little further down the path. It is, in essence, not about beliefs, not about ideology, it is about ability.  Paq'os have been called shaman, but not all Paq'os are shaman.  Many Paq'os are teachers, people who inspire us to be our truth and find wholeness.  You are here; you are Paq'os.

A shaman is someone who has the spiritual contacts, the ability to work with the luminous energy field, and is overshadowed by their "Laika."  So, in many ways, we are studying and practicing to stay in direct contact with Spirit, and in many ways, we are.  It is more appropriate for us to call ourselves Paq'os, because there are extreme and varied challenges a shaman must face.

Paq'os advance in rank not by what they believe, but by what they can do. A paq'o told of the 'test' he had to pass to be considered a higher level paq'o, he had to use a type of divination involving the casting of coca leaves to discover where a missing alpaca was.

After hours of struggling with the task he announced that the alpaca's body could be found in a specific ravine a several hours walk away. When the party traveled there and found the alpaca it was announced that he had passed the test.

When my teacher, Alberto, took us to a remote temple to have a ceremony with a high level paq'o, they disappeared for a while.  He later told us that even though the paq'o had a great reputation, I had to 'prove'  that he was ready for me. I have no idea what that proof involved, but it is a safe bet that it didn't involve words.

First, the elder Q'ero, Don Francisco Chura Flores, took a walk with me.  I walked with him, and between English, Spanish and Quechua, we started to talk. He started with Sachamama, the snake that sits at the South of the Medicine Wheel. There were times we just walked, but I felt that he was reading me, and talking with me.  At the end of the walk, I was able to tell him the names of the animal spirits that guard the four directions.

Later, I sat at the ceremony but saw that our tribal leader and translator wasn't there.  Don Francisco motioned to me to translate the ceremony to our group - from Quechua, and the occasional Spanish, to English.

It wasn't until today, writing this, that I realize the lesson, and the gift.

The Lineage

The Laika are a living energy ancestry, and they inform our DNA, our mental impressions, our energetic experiences on all levels, and all bodies.  They are guardians that work closely with Wisdomkeepers to continue the traditions of Spirit Medicine.  As you are initiated into a lineage of Wisdomkeepers, the Laika are available for your personal growth.  You will notice that you also keep company with Paq'os and shamans.  This is how we advance in skills.

The Laika have been known as a tribe of Peruvian Andean shaman.  This is a good "Wikipedia" answer to that question. 

What is your concept of "angel,"  "angelic being,"  "wearer of light,"  "apu," or "ascended being?"

These ancient Inka realized that this knowledge about our capacity to manifest our dreams is tremendously powerful, and could be easily abused by those lacking ethics. 

Nevertheless, these devoted Wisdomkeepers recognized that these insights belong to all people on the planet, not just to the Inka. 

Shamanic teachings show us how to rewrite our stories about our lives, to do what the shamans call “dreaming the world into being.”

The Four Insights

The wisdom of the Laika Shamanic Teachings consists of Four Insights, each of which has four practices that allow us to move beyond mere understanding to actually experiencing shifts in perception that help us transform ourselves and our world.

Insight 1: The Way of the Hero
Practices: Non-judgment, Non-suffering, Non-attachment, Beauty

Insight 2: The Way of the Luminous Warrior
Practices: Fearlessness, Non-doing, Certainty, Non-engagement

Insight 3: The Way of the Seer
Practices: Beginner’s Mind, Living Consequently, Transparency, Integrity

Insight 4: The Way of the Sage
Practices: Mastering Time and Keeping a Secret from Yourself, Owning Your Projections, No-mind, Indigenous Alchemy

Through the Four Insights, you’ll learn that there’s a spiritual solution
to every problem you encounter in the physical world,
in your mind, and in your soul.

You’ll learn that you can’t eliminate scarcity in your life by getting another job. You can’t heal feelings of abandonment or anger by understanding your childhood wounds. You can only fix these problems at the level above the one in which they were created.

When we shift from one level of perception up to the next, we retain our ability to function at the lower realm, but we still retain that wider view of what we’re experiencing. Einstein said, “Problems can not be solved at the level at which they were created.” 

Being able to shift to a higher realm of perception can help us to find solutions to our problems, resolve conflicts, heal disease, and experience oneness with all of creation when, before, we were experiencing distress and separation.

If you want to begin living your life differently and perceiving your experiences through new eyes, it’s important to go beyond mere understanding of the insights and actually follow their practices.

The Wisdom, Power, and Grace of the Earthkeeper makes up the physical universe at a much higher level.

"For the shaman, the supernatural world does not exist. There is only the natural world, which has a visible and an invisible dimension." 

All creation—humans, whales, and even stars—is made from light manifest through the power of intention. The Earthkeepers mastered these, and used them to heal disease, eliminate emotional suffering, and even grow new bodies that age and heal differently.

Mastery of these insights allows you to reinform your DNA and participate consciously in your biological, emotional, and spiritual evolution. According to the prophecies of the Maya, Hopi, and Inka Earthkeepers, we’re at a turning point in human history, when a new species of human will give birth to itself. We’re going to take a quantum leap into what we’re becoming and will no longer be Homo sapiens but Homo luminouos. 

The teachings, and the transmission rites, reveal ancient technologies we can practice for becoming beings of light with the ability to perceive the energy and vibration.  

This comes with love.

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