Saturday, April 25, 2015

Fourth Rite: Seer's Rite

Open and Close Sacred Space

As you know, when we start this work, we open up sacred space.  We lift our hands to the 8th chakra (Wiracocha) and open our hands to clear our personal space.  We pray to the seven directions.  

I always light candles.  Spirit likes flickery, shiny, rattle-y.  You can use a rattle and /or bells to open space.  I use sacred smoke, in the form of frankincense, copaiba, and palo santo (holy wood.) "Come One.  Come All,"  I say.  This, however, gives ALL energies the ability to come closer, and so, we begin the journey of working with ALL ENERGY without judgement.  

I say a prayer for myself first, and for you, and the space surrounding where I work, that all may receive the radiant light of Source.  

Eternal One

Help me to awaken, to liberate myself and be comprehensively realized as I journey through earthly planes, and mountains and unfamiliar waters; as I walk in the universes of creation.

Deliver me through my experience to be the Truth that lies beyond separation and limitation as I reciprocate with unconditional courage, integrity, forgiveness and trust.

Open the Sacred Way for all to walk in the Light and live a life of impeccable beauty and Love,

On Earth as One

If I am doing a group ceremony, I will also start my morning, sitting out in nature, before I eat or meditate, and say,

Morning Ceremony

(Build a small fire, or bring a lit candle.  Gather flowers, leaves, stones and create an altar.)

I ask all of the trees and flowers
And all of the forces of nature
To help my heart to flower
To blossom with the beauty of springtime
So that I may be a good woman...

(rubbing circles in clockwise directions over my heart)

...A conscientious woman
Who lives in harmony
And unconditional reciprocity
With all of Creation.

(I pray and meditate for 15 minutes in silence)

Thank you mercifully
for this altar of celestial wisdom

Our patrons, our friends, our audience, all carry different energy, including attachments.

We are not going to say, "toxic energy," "bad energy," or "negative energy."  We will say the energy is heavy.  No judgement.  

At THE CLEARING (TC), we have intelligent energies that ring our doorbells, walk around, sometimes make a lot of noise, and they are playful and frequent visitors. They usually remind us to lock all three doors.  They LOVE the sound healers; Adriana and Andrew both say they can feel their presence.  

Healers have come and said, "You have energies that are lingering in the space," or, "You have meddlers." Overnight guests have said, "You have ghosts."  This is not bad.  

This is what we do.  We work with living energy in whatever form it arrives.  We love energy.  We do not judge it. We transmute the energy to pink, or white light. Energy cannot be destroyed - but it can be cleansed, detoxified, "repurposed." 

The Seer's Rite

With this rite, we work inside the protege's field.  Open your Wiracocha; open another "cloak of protection" over your protege.  

After giving the rite, gather the "cloak, raise your hands to your 8th chakra, and as you bring your hands down to finally rest in anjali mudra (prayer position) open your palms and sweep down your forehead, face, chest, to your feet.  Then return your hands to anjali.

A reminder, after all the work is finished, close the sacred space, and close your own Wiracocha.  

Come and Sit by my Fire

When I work with the first few transmission rites, I work on the luminous energy field, from the outside.  I scan and clear.  I teach students how to open and close their 8th chakra.  This "soul star" is called Wiracocha in Quechua.  It is one name for God in the Inka tradition.

Now, I ask each student to take their place at the fire, in our circle, and become One with All.  Because you have shown up today, it is your intention to see more clearly the auric light.  You are asking to see the colors, and the intensity of the living energy field, not just of humans, but of all living things.

The Inner Altar

The energy body has many layers.  In all traditions, we are taught the basics, and then, if we master the techniques and show our teachers that we are devoted to the processes of self transformation, we are shown the inner altar.

Just as we know the physical body has an etheric double (aura) and that the energy centers have major and minor openings, we continue developing our finer and finer energy centers.  From there, we learn that shakti (intelligent light) can be stored and used to enliven our abilities in many small points of light (nadis.)

The Seer's Rite asks you to see, sense and feel all light.  Start with the altar of your heart.

The heart is very mystical. Concealed within the twelve-petaled heart chakra is another sacred center called the eight-petaled chakra. This chakra is a focus for the eighth ray and your link to God and your God Self (I AM Presence). Some people call this chakra sacred space, their inner altar, the garden of the heart, or their inner cave. The masters call it the secret chamber of the heart.  The eighth ray chakra is the doorway to your spiritual self. This is where you hear the inner voice of guidance. 

Most of us have experienced this space during those quiet contemplative moments in our lives. Another way to relate to this chakra is to think of it as the sacred space in your heart where you go to pray and talk with God. This is also where you commune with your Higher Self and the Ascended Masters to receive nurturing, guidance and healing. When the light shines from your heart this is where it is coming from.

Burning on the altar of the heart is a sacred flame called the threefold flame, that is the heart of God beating in your own heart. It is known as the flame of the Christ and represents the divine attributes of power, wisdom and love. As you balance this flame you come closer into alignment with your Higher Self. 

Permanently bonding with the Higher Self happens in stages. As we have seen it involves a great deal of personal healing, balancing karma, and balancing the energies of the sacred flame within the heart. 

We have to align and attune with our Higher Self and raise our consciousness to the level of the Eternal Consciousness. The Seer's path of initiation provides us with a way to do this plus heal and liberate our soul, master our energies, balance our karma, fulfill our unique calling in life, and become one with Source.

Meditation on the Energy Bodies

The Ascension

Today, many people are seeking a deeper understanding of Spirit and a more meaningful way to express their spirituality. The idea that you are a spiritual being is an exciting one but how do you make it a reality? How do you spiritually evolve and become one with your spiritual self? How do you, like the Ascended Masters, become a master, too? 

Having gone before us, the masters show us the way. The Andean masters say, "Practice stillness.  Find an inner altar and keep still.  Listen."

Every time you are quiet and listen, you have a chance to see, sense and feel those powerful qualities you seek, as a seer.  Our master teachers present us with a path of initiation that helps us to spiritually accelerate and reunite with the Source. 

How do they do this? By providing the initiations, healing, nurturing, love, guidance and teaching we cannot get anywhere else. There is one condition though - we have to be willing to do the work.

Many of our Masters have, like you and I, reincarnated lifetime after lifetime and dealt with the same issues and challenges we struggle with daily. They underwent the same trials and tests and successfully won their freedom and immortality through the ritual of the ascension. 

The ascension is a unique process that leads to the mystical reunion with Source. In essence it is the acceleration and spiritualization of consciousness. Every one is working on the path of the ascension whether they call it this or not. Simple acts of kindness, helping others, prayer and devotion to Spirit, and every good deed we do increases the light in our being. As we grow in awareness and raise our consciousness our soul evolves a little more. We have been doing it this way for many lifetimes.

The actual Ascension happens after you have passed certain initiations and met specific guidelines and requirements. It involves making a very serious commitment to the path of initiation. You have to have a certain level of attainment and a substantial amount of light in your body. 

Cosmic law requires at least one ascension per year and it is a very noble goal that all of us should strive for. It has been said the path of the ascension is really the path of love and forgiveness. When someone makes his or her ascension the planet and everyone on it receives an increment of light. This is a very beautiful gift and sacred blessing for all.

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