Monday, May 4, 2015

Masters of Living Energy


Andean Paqos, known as maestros of the Living Energy, form an unbroken lineage of wisdomkeepers who have stewarded humanity's holistic intelligence since time immemorial. Paqos are not shaman.

They are spiritual intermediaries recognized by two titles: Pampamisayoq (Pampa•me•sigh•yoke), meaning one who focuses on earth-based matters, and Altomisayoq (Alto•me•sign•yoke), one who attends to both the terrestrial and celestial realms.  I have been initiated as a Pampamisayoq.  I study and practice with my teachers to ascend to working with celestial realms, as an Alto.

Spanish chroniclers introduced these terms in the 1530's as a means to describe the mystical priestlike functions of this ancient tradition. During this same period, and as a result of their responsibilities within the Inkan civilization, Andean Paqos found it necessary to retreat to remote, high altitude locations to safeguard their lifeways from the onslaught of Conquest and Inquisition forces. Perseverance through centuries of isolation and extended hardship has allowed the Andean Holy Mountain Tradition to maintain its integrative practices and keep its cosmology intact.

In the 1950's anthropologists rediscovered the tradition after 425 years of operational secrecy. Researchers cultivated interactions with lineage holders to study their knowledge base and animistic ways of life.

In our gatherings, I tell stories in the tradition of these ancestors.  We participate in a despacho ceremony, which is the creation of a living mandala (much like the tibetan sand painting) which is built with natural materials and prayers.

Over time the native tradition began to see a decrease in the number of Paqos embodying its highest levels due to disruptive influences, mentorship die-off and few modern-day apprentices willing to undertake the rigors of this resolute path.  Many of the grandchildren chose to live and work in a Western-influenced society.

Presently, and as foretold by Andean oral tradition, Paqos and the Apus (mountain spirit benefactors who overlight the tradition) have begun recognizing and initiating western-born practitioners to help reweave holistic consciousness, restore cognitive lifeways and promote spiritual responsibility within industrialized cultures.

To the benefit of all peoples this ancient lineage has successfully maintained its heart-wisdom and is now sharing its holistic paradigms to help humankind remember That Which Has Always Been.

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