Saturday, April 9, 2016

How to Pray with a Kintu

Quechua is the native language of the Q'ero, Inka.  

Llank’ay (YAHNK-eye)
One of the three stances a Paqo must integrate – love, knowledge, and labor- this is the physical capacity to perform labor.  It is sometimes associated with will, the power of intention, or the body.  

Munay (MOON-eye)
One of the three stances a Paqo must integrate – love, knowledge, and labor – this is the love and capacity for empathy and selflessness.  Also seen as the heart. 

Yachay (YAHCH-eye)

One of the three stances a Paqo must integrate – love, knowledge, and labor – this is the power of intellect grounded in experience.  A mystic relies on personal experience, not book-learning or second-hand teachings, to acquire wisdom.  Also seen as the mind, logic and reason.  

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