Saturday, April 9, 2016

Opening Sacred Space (7 Directions)

Opening Sacred Space

to the winds of the south
great serpent
mother of the waters
we call on you, mother
come and wrap your coils of light around us
teach us your ways
to shed the past
the way you shed your skin
teach us the beauty way
to walk with beauty on the earth
to touch everyone
we touch with beauty
be with us

to the winds of the west
mother sister jaguar
come to us
walk among us
teach us your ways
of fearlessness
of gentleness
teach us the ways beyond death
be with us

to the winds of the north
Essence of power (sweetness )
Essence of freedom (beauty)
grandmothers and grandfathers
ancient ones
guardians and keepers of this land
we call on you we come
to honor you today
you who have come before us
and our children's children
we call on you
in your name we gather
be with us

to the winds of the east
the place of the rising sun
mother eagle sister eagle
come fly to us
come to us
from your mountaintop in the east
hold us sweetly under your wing
teach us your ways of flight
of sight
be with us

Pacha Mama
great mother
mother earth
we come to you mother
thank you for your breath
for your waters
and to all our relations
the stone people the plant people
the creepy crawlies
the winged the furred the finned
all our relations

Father Sun
Grandmother Moon
to all the star nations
our star brothers and sisters
the sacred mountains of this land
of this earth
Wiraqocha Great Spirit
creator of all
you who are known by a thousand names
you who are the unnameable one
you who sit above us and below us
you who sit at the north and the south and the east and the west
thank you for bringing us
together again for allowing us to sing the song
of life one more day

Susan Palmieri, Milwaukee, WI  thank you for the good work you do.

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