Sunday, March 16, 2014

Seven Archetypes : Harmony

Sachamama -   Earth, Feminine Collective,  Mother
Puma - All Living Things on the Planet
Sewacanthe-  Teaches me to drink deeply from the Nectar of Life
Condor -Spread my own wings to soar;  Gift of vision and clarity
Huascar – (Avatar) Keeper of Lower Word; Harmony and Peace to my unconsciousness
Quetzlcoatl – (Archangel) – Keeper of Middle World – Harmony and Order to my physical life
Pachacuti – (Avatar) Time to Come; who you are becoming 10,000 years from now

With great love, I install these archetypes into your luminous being.  You become a walking totem of the energies of these Masters. 

We learn to walk backwards to the original Garden to reclaim the energies of our birthright.  We learn to walk now, in our full power, which is pure LIGHT.  We learn to walk towards ourselves, and our children, to our luminous energy being.

We feed these seeds with fire ceremony.  Every full moon and new moon, every week, every day.  Choose wisely.

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