Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Black and White Snake

The Black and White Snake

The White Snake, Satchamama, is anchored in the Earth, and spirals up the first chakra.  She holds an apple in her mouth.  This represents the fruit of the Earth, and is a gift; Earth’s bounty.

She is seen here wearing some glorious accessories.  Notice she is anchored in the Earth, and spirals up to you.

The Black Snake is the masculine element.  He is stiff and is depicted in ancient hieroglyphs as a staff, or rod, which does not touch the ground.  He joins with the White Snake to empower humanity with kundalini energy.

In many cultures, the two snakes intertwined also refer to medicine, as in the caduceus.

The Snakes together also represent DNA, and hold the secrets to our ancestry, the Star People and their relationship to humanity. DNA is referred to as The Cosmic Snake.  They are seen here.

Masculine energy is electric; feminine energy is electromagnetic. 

Sexually, an erection and sexual activity can lead to ejaculation in very short time.  Turn the power on, get excited, produce!

Electromagnetic waves are enduring and undulating. In sex, the female can prolong the activity by mastering rising and falling energies, and teaching this to the male partner.

The Black and White Snake energy can be used to master kundalini energy, and to enhance tantra.  This is a yogic union of the masculine and feminine energies that can be used in sexual liaison.  

The energies can be mastered without a sexual partner, and that is a conversation for another class.  

If you have been called to master Black and White Snake energy, you will benefit from learning traditional medicine ways (not conventional) – to study and practice curing the physical body, then move up the spiral (pun intended) to work with all the levels and all the bodies.

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