Saturday, March 22, 2014

We are teachers. Wisdomkeepers.

Dear All:

There has been some confusuion about "I am training to be a shaman," or, "I am a shaman."  I am not sure why some of us are jumping the gun.  First of all, it is not a race, and second, one class does not a shaman make.  Even one year of classes does not a "Master of Living Energy" make.

Be a student first, and find a Maestro (o Maestra) this is a practice.


Altomisayoq (Alto•me•sigh•yoke), meaning one who embodies the prayers of the high altar, is a name given to Andean celestial Paqos by European chroniclers in the mid-16th century. 

Paqos, or Masters of the Living Energy, who constitute the Andean Holy Mountain Tradition are not all shaman. They comprise one of our planet’s few unbroken lineages of ancestral wisdomkeepers and spiritual intermediaries who have stewarded humanity’s heart wisdom, animistic consciousness and celestially integrated reality for over 13,000 years.

In 1532 during their maltreatment by conquest and inquisition forces, Andean Paqos found it necessary to retreat to remote, high-altitude locations to safeguard their practical and esoteric wisdom. By enduring the hardships of extended isolation and secrecy for the past 480 years, this ancient lineage has been able to maintain its unified cosmology while keeping its holistic lifeways intact.

Following the disruption of the Inkan civilization, fewer and fewer Paqos have been able to sustain the lineage’s high practices due to corruptive influences, mentorship die-off and a general lack of modern day apprentices willing to undertake the rigors of this demanding and resolute path. 

Presently, as foretold by oral history, the Apus, or mountain spirit benefactors, have begun recognizing and initiating western practitioners in order to expand the lineage, integrate cultures, restore humanity’s cognitive lifeways and increase spiritual responsibility among industrialized societies.

I am one of those Western practitioners.  You can say you studied with me, and when the time is right, you can say you are a wisdomkeeper, or paqo.  Many blessings.  Enjoy the tune.

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