Thursday, May 14, 2015

But, Can You Grow Corn With That?

Scientists today are searching for explanations to why and how shamans can “diagnose” and cure challenging and life threatening diseases.  On the surface, it appears that they are just waving feathers and burning leaves.

This is an example of masculine energy.  A question needs an answer.  A wrong needs a right.  A sore needs a salve. Everything moves in a straight line.

Shamans work with healing life force energy.  Patients achieve profound recoveries and experience enlightenment.  They look at conventional doctors and just see them poisoning and dissecting their patients.

This is an example of feminine energy.  There are no mistakes, just choices.  Any salve will do because it is the intention of the patient to heal that creates wellness.  The mind creates illness, and the mind creates wellness.  Energy flows in waves.

In spiritual terms, the shamans look at Western ideology and see that their God is a descending God.  He (masculine) looks down upon us rarely contacts us.  Shamans’ deity is an ascending feminine force who rises from the Earth like golden corn and resides among us.  She is known as Pachamama.

The shamans I studied with believed we are this divine energy embodied in matter, much like ribbons of sunlight wrap themselves around tree trunks and release their light.  Shamans can see the luminous field, and dark spots in the matrix indicate disease, even if that has not manifested in the physical body.

Trauma leaves an indelible signature that a shaman can perceive.  Many healers believe that these marks stay with you for your entire life, like a karmic cross we have to bear.

Shamans believe we can lighten that load, erase the body burden, and change the DNA to create a whole new body.   Shamans work with physical, mental and emotional “marks” and teach the person how to be free and enlightened.

Can I just have the recipe?

Fasting, prayer, meditation, combined with healing herbs and plants, used in reciprocal relationship with all of Creation.  The End.

Second, the DNA meditation, and discussion of who we are becoming.  We are the ones we have been dreaming, is time to walk into that life.  If you don't have it on disc, please contact me (414) 526 5699.

Finally, the breathing exercises that balance the two sides, left and right, male and female.  Note if one side is blocked. 

Nadi Shodhan Pranayama (Subtle Energy Channel Cleaning)

This technique keeps the mind calm, happy and peaceful, and energizes both sides of the brain.  It helps to clear out blocked energy channels.

Sit in lotus position, if you can.  You can also stand or sit in a chair.  Place your left hand in chin mudra on your left thigh, facing up.  This is the feminine aspect of your divinity, and it connects your energy channels to your brain, creating calm.

Place your right thumb on your right nostril to close it.  Inhale through left nostril for a slow count, hold the breath for 1-2-3, block left nostril with your ring finger, and exhale through right nostril.  Hold for 1-2-3. Inhale through right nostril (slow count) hold for 1-2-3, block right nostril and exhale through left. Hold for 1-2-3.   This is one cycle.

Notice the hand position.  Alternate opening and closing each nostril with thumb, and ring finger. Keep your pointer and middle finger facing downwards.

As you inhale through left nostril, and repeat, you are beginning the second cycle.  Slow count, hold the breath for 1-2-3, block left nostril and exhale through right nostril.  Hold for 1-2-3. Inhale through right nostril (slow count) hold for 1-2-3, block right nostril and exhale through left. Hold for 1-2-3.  

This is two cycles.

Do this for 9 complete cycles.  Nadi Shodhan Prana offers your subtle chakras circulation, raises your kundalini, and improves energy to the brain.

Practice the hand positions, then partner with a friend who can help you with the count.

Right thumb close, inhale left, count.  Hold 1-2-3. Close left nostril with ring finger.  Exhale. Hold 1-2-3. Inhale same side.  Hold 1-2-3.  Close right nostril with thumb. Exhale left side.  Hold 1-2-3. Close with ring finger.  (Round one completed.)

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